

Acts of Kindness

Dear Friends,
What happened at Virginia Tech is a tragedy – it is shocking, saddening, and confusing. So many emotions come up from anger, to fear, to sadness, to compassion. For me, it’s been a time to reflect on the issue of anger, violence, and not understanding. From this campus in Virginia, to Iraq, to civil wars all over the world, to our own communities, families and homes – anger seems to be everywhere. So what can we do? What can I do?

Well, I can be kind – to myself and to others. I have processed this tragedy by writing about it and then being conscious about being kind. I notice how much anger sneaks into my daily life – just little things like not letting someone in my lane in traffic (just what am I trying to prove?), or snapping at my husband for not putting his dish away because I am stressed out, or in some way criticizing myself for not doing something “good enough.” All of these things are my deposits in the Anger Bank of the world – and this bank is getting way too wealthy.

Consider the anger deposits you are making and commit to acts of kindness. Speak with a smile on your face, don’t honk at someone, be patient with co-workers, and be gentle with yourself.

Spread Kindness,

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