

Weekly Update: Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

This entire week I’ve been flying high off the wings of Chrysalis, the three-day workshop I facilitated last weekend with my partner and friend, Britta. Chrysalis provides a safe space for women to come out of their “cocoon” of self-doubt, judgment, confusion and hurt so that they can “spread their wings” and FLY more fully as who they truly are. Each woman had a break-through but it wasn’t easy! Women honestly shared about their discomfort and the fact that they’d rather not be there. But they stayed, they surrendered, and trusted the process. Learning how to fly requires a willingness to face your fear, resistance, and pain go into the great unknown. It can be uncomfortable and sometimes scary; but that is all part of the learning curve.

So if you are at a point in your life where you feel like you are squirming on the ground questioning whether you will ever take flight, I assure you that you will as long as you keep learning. Avoid old patterns, bad habits and limiting beliefs that weigh you down. Forgive yourself for any judgments you are holding against yourself or another. And as you move into greater acceptance of who you truly are, you will naturally become lighter and full of more joy, peace, and love.

Today’s UPdate is dedicated to all the women who have participated in Chrysalis. I acknowledge your courage, willingness, totality, trust and passion. I feel blessed, fulfilled, and very much in awe of each of you. And I also acknowledge anyone who is committed to taking flight. You have my support and encouragement as you find your wings and keep learning to fly.



“How does one become a butterfly?” she asked. “You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”
– Unknown

“If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies”
– Unknown

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