

Weekly Update: Crystal Ball

How often do you say, “I wish I had a crystal ball” when faced with a challenge or decision? Perhaps you have run to psychics or astrologers hoping that they can ease your mind about what is ahead. But no one can 100% accurately predict the future. The present moment is our only guarantee.

Today I want to remind you that you do NOT have a crystal ball – and this is good news! Why? Well, think of all those things in your future that you are stressing about happening or not happening. Here is the truth: you are not accurate. You really do not know that whatever you are worrying about will happen. Anxiety is simply using our imagination poorly to predict a future in our head we do not like.

When you go into some kind of negative future fantasy which creates anxiety, remind yourself that you are not psychic. All the things you are concerned about could (and usually will) turn out so much better than you thought! Instead, use your imagination to create a future that you would be psyched about. Think of the unknown as a wonderful surprise party – and you are the guest of honor.

With this new perspective, I invite you to look into your imaginary crystal ball and see what you want to see.

Christine Hassler

“The magic is inside you. There ain’t no crystal ball.”
Dolly Parton

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
Alan Kay

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