

Feeling Funky?

Ever have a day when you just feel like you are in a funk and you don’t know why? I suspect the answer to that question is a “yes” for most of us. In fact it was a yes for me today which is what inspired this update. At first I wanted to blame it on the gloomy weather but I knew that wasn’t it. There are plenty of days when the weather is dreary and I’m not.

Usually the first thing we want to do when we are feeling funky is get out of it! We try by blaming it on something inconsequential like the weather. We try distracting ourselves. We look around for anything or anyone to defunk us. We spend our energy looking for a way out of the funk rather than going into it to discover what message of the funk is. So today I encouraged myself to go into my funk and consider why I was feeling so funky. After some self-inquiry and journaling, I realized that there was something that was bothering me that I had been ignoring to the point that I was not really even aware of the fact that it was there. Luckily the funk came to get my attention! As soon as I addressed the issue, low and behold, the funk lifted – even though the fog outside did not.

When you feel off or down for seemingly no reason, my hunch is there is a reason that you do not want to see or acknowledge. My message to you today is to listen to the message that is bringing on the funk. You can do this by asking yourself questions such as, “Is there a way I am not taking care of my own needs? Am I out of integrity with myself or another in someway? Is there unfinished business or an incomplete conversation lingering about? Have I been in my head a lot and perhaps ignoring my feelings? Am I overly focused on another or an external situation?” You can go into the inquiry of the funk by just allowing yourself to free form write or talk aloud.

And then support your defunking by taking an inward or outward action to demonstrate to the funk that the message was received. Next, change your state. The best way to do that is to change your physiology. Get up and go for a walk, stretch, sit up straight, and for the best defunking activity, dance to give up the funk!


“People are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.”
– James Allen

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