

Not So Sweet Little Lies

I will admit it. I have lied. And sometimes have justified little white lies that seem harmless. For example, yesterday at the Santa Monica Co-op I really wanted some goldenberries from the bulk bin but they are $16.99 per pound (one would think they were made from real gold!). I noticed that their neighbors, the mulberries, were only $12.99 per pound. So I thought I could just write the bin number for the mulberries and save a little bit of money. I spend so much money at that store, what’s a little discount? Then I got to the check out line and the cashier knew the difference and called me out. As I was dying of a mix of embarrassment, guilt and shame, I paid for my goldenberries and left the store with my head down judging myself as a terrible person.

As I repented in the car ride home, I thought about how lying can be “easy” when it feels justified or insignificant in some way. But not choosing to see and respect the truth to the best of our awareness at all times is depleting. I realized my goldenberries choice was a reflection of how I had been in a bit of a cycle of short changing myself. And as I vowed to get back into integrity with my external world, I made the inner commitment to stop lying to myself. Why does the truth about the worth of goldenberries deserve any more of my respect than the truth about my own self worth?

We are all guilty of telling huge lies to ourselves over and over again. We tell ourselves we’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough, rich enough, spiritual enough, whatever enough. Enough already! Can we truly embrace the truth of who we are? The truth is we are all divine beings having a human experience. The truth is we are all whole and complete exactly as we are. Can YOU stop lying to yourself? And if and when you do lie, can you forgive and quickly course correct by choosing the truth?

Today I invite you to UPdate your inner dialogue with truth serum. Stop buying into lies about yourself that make you feel bad or less than in anyway. Choose to see the truth of who you really are.


“An error can never become true however many times you repeat it. The truth can never be wrong, even if no one hears it.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

“The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we’re afraid. We fear we will not find love, and when we find it we fear we’ll lose it. We fear that if we do not have love we will be unhappy.” – Richard Bach

This update is sponsored by Resume Bucket, the website that allows you to upload your existing resume and broadcast it on the web with your own personalized URL

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