

I’m Asking You For Something

Are you interested in making a big difference in the life of a woman?

If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Teresa

Today I am stretching myself by directly asking you for something that would mean the world to me and potentially change someone’s life.  But first, let me share something with you.

A few days ago I got a call from a playhouse I have been to here in Los Angeles as part of their annual fundraising drive.  When the woman asked me to donate money I immediately noticed resistance come up in me.  Thoughts of how quickly I could make up an excuse to get of the phone with her darted through my mind.  This tension did not feel good at all and rather than hanging up the phone, I recognized an opportunity to break a pattern.  I will admit that in the past I haven’t liked receiving fundraising calls, which is strange because giving of my time and resources has always been a value of mine.  What was up with the resistance?  Well since I know outer experience is a reflection of inner reality, I realized that in the past I have had resistance to asking for things.  I have taken on the limiting beliefs that “I have to do things on my own” and “people will be annoyed if I ask for help or support.”  My own judgments around asking were negatively influencing my ability to hear others requests.

Fortunately I realized this quickly, dropped the resistance and really listened as the woman explained to me that my donation would make it possible for a disadvantaged high school student to attend the theater.   I recalled how important and healing theater was to me in high school and was very inspired to donate.  It felt so good to be able to say, “YES I will absolutely contribute and thank you for asking!” Instead of hanging up perturbed, I completed the call feeling connected and joyful.

Today I am taking another step in breaking my pattern of being scared to ask people for things by asking you for something.   As many of you know, Chrysalis, my very favorite retreat that I facilitate is June 24-26th.  I have received emails from women all across the world that want to come but do not have the financial ability to do so.  It hurts my heart when money gets in the way of an individual’s healing and transformation.  So I am asking you, my amazing community of friends and followers to donate to the Chrysalis scholarship fund.  No amount is too small!  Has there ever been something in your life that has been transformational for you?  Imagine your life if you had not have the gift of that transformation.  From that place I suspect you will feel inspired to pay the gift of growth forward.

Your donation will make it possible for young women to have experiences like these:

“I was able to finally let down my guard and open up to myself and others. This workshop opened my eyes to the world and gave it new life by enabling me to stop judging and just be. Thank you for helping me spread my wings.” -Christine, 26

I was challenged, opened, loved, and nurtured in a way I have never been before. I have been given the tools I needed to become the awesome woman I want to be; and that I am beginning to see I am!” Vivian, 26

It is my intention to make it possible for each woman who has a strong intention to be at Chrysalis to be able to attend.  With your help this is totally possible. If you feel called to donate, please send me an email christine@christinehassler.com.  Thank you for supporting me in facilitating transformation!

With love and appreciation,


“It’s not that successful people are givers; it is that givers are successful people.” – Patti Thor

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.” – Edmund Burke

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