

My four days with two French Bulldogs

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.” – Gilda Radner

Last week I traveled to Vegas, Dallas, Atlanta, and New York over the course of six days. By the time I got to New York, I heard the news that hurricane Irene was headed to Manhattan.   My trip unexpectedly got extended to ten days, which I was not super thrilled about.  Yet I was soon reminded that unexpected situations also bring unexpected blessings.  My blessings came from my new four-legged best friends who are making their video debut in my vlog (click above to watch!).

How did I meet these adorable creatures? Well a generous friend of mine from NY who happened to be out of town offered me his beautiful home so I wouldn’t have to brave the weather in a hotel room.  All I had to do was say yes to dog-sitting his two French Bulldogs, Tyson and Sue. Soon I realized they were there for me more than I was there for them.  Our four days together were incredibly uplifting and healing for me as my companions consistently demonstrated important life lessons that I want to share with you:

Lesson One:  Presence

Animals are great teachers of being 100% in the present moment.  They show no attachment to the past or concern about the future.  And being with two beings that were so consistently present was a great reminder of what a joy it is to be in the presence of beings that are present!  Giving ourselves the gift of presence is not just a self-honoring act, it is a present to the people we are sharing our time with.

Lesson Two: Unconditional Love

I have not had a pet of my own since I left our family dog, Chip, when I went off to college. I had forgotten how incredible the unconditional love from animals feels!  They were immediately my biggest fans and shadows.  Every move I made they were beside me, looking up at me with their irresistible puppy faces and cocked heads. They comforted me during the storm andgreeted me like I was the Messiah every time I came home.  If you want to make someone you love feel REALLY good, greet them with the kind of excitement and unconditional love that a dog would.  I assure you it will feel incredible to both of you (the licking and jumping all over them part is optional).

Lesson Three: Receiving

Anytime I reached out to give Tyson and Sue ANY attention or affection at all, they would immediately stop what they were doing and receive it – especially if it came in the form of belly rubs.  And when I moved away from them, they did not beg for more and would begin entertaining themselves.  They demonstrated complete acceptance of and non-attachment to receiving.  I encourage you to open yourself up to receiving when you are tempted to reject it or too busy to notice it coming your direction.  And give to yourself when you are attached to getting more from someone else.

Lesson Four: Play!

Tyson, Sue and I spent two days cooped up in the house due to the hurricane.  Instead of passing the hours with television and my laptop, I spent a lot of time playing with them. It was fun, made the time go by faster, and energized me!  Play is such a wonderful state to be in and far more fulfilling then mind-numbing activities (like TV and internet surfing) because it is engaging and enlivening. My invitation to you is to incorporate more play in your life – we get far too serious as adults!

As I left my new best friends on my last day in New York, my goodbye kisses and belly rubs were combined with tears . . . especially when they busted out the sad puppy dog eyes when I rolled out my suitcase.  I was once again reminded of the power of unconditional love and how quickly it busts our hearts wide open.  I totally fell in love in just four short days.  I am so grateful to my companions and teachers for the reminders.

I hope you enjoyed the lessons from Professors Tyson and Sue as much as I did.

As you go through your week, set the intention to be present, demonstrate unconditional loving, receive with open-armed detachment, and please for the love of French Bulldogs have some fun!

Today I’ll conclude with sharing a poem I found entitled, “If a Dog Were Your Teacher”:

If a dog were your teacher
These are some of the lessons you might learn…
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face
to be pure ecstasy
When it’s in your best interest
practice obedience
Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory
Take naps and stretch before rising
Run romp and play daily
Thrive on attention and let people touch you
Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do
On warm days stop to lie on your back on the grass
On hot days drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree
When you’re happy dance around and wag your entire body
No matter how often you’re scolded
don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout
run right back and make friends
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm
Stop when you have had enough
Be loyal
Never pretend to be something you’re not
If what you want lies buried
dig until you find it
When someone is having a bad day
be silent …..
…sit close by.
…and nuzzle them gently.

– Author unknown


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