

Do you know what happened this week?

Two days ago on Tuesday June 5th, we experienced an amazing and rare phenomenon called the Venus Transit, which will not occur again for 105 years! What happened is that the planet Venus passed directly between the Sun and Earth.

Why does this matter?

Well if you haven’t noticed, we are all connected to the Universe so when things realign and shift astronomically we also experience realignment and many inner and outer shifts. The Venus transit is VERY POWERFUL and I highly encourage you to be aware and take advantage of this transformative time.

Venus is representative of the feminine aspect of beauty, sensuality, creativity, receptivity and love.  The sun is representative of the masculine aspect of power, force, and fiery ambition.  So during this transit, there is a dance between the male and female aspects.  Venus moving between the sun and earth is creating a paradigm shift, bringing more feminine energy into the Universe and giving us all an opportunity to harmonize the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves.

What does this mean?

It means this is a wonderful time to let go of old patterns that are no longer serving you and open up to RECEIVING more love, creativity, joy, and abundance.  Venus is also the planet of love and relationships so you may be hearing from people from your past or connecting on a different level with those you are currently in a relationship with. Truth will be revealed and the voice of your heart will be easier to hear (if you are willing to listen).

Harness this energy by practicing gratitude, finding the blessings in everything, and sharing your love with others.  It is also a super powerful time to manifest, create – and LET GO of what doesn’t serve you.  Set aside some time for a special ceremony where you attune to the Divine Feminine and make a list (in present tense) of what you would like to create and experience in your life. What do you want to give birth to? How do you want to share your gifts with the world?  What kind of love and relationships do you want in your life?

It is time to actively choose to make the shifts inside that will create the shifts on the outside… to eliminate suffering around your relationships (or lack of), take a stand for the kind of relationships you really want (and settle for nothing less), and redefine your relationship with yourself so every other relationship can rock your world with love, too.

And not only do you have Venus’s support, you have an opportunity to get support from me and my sister in self-love, Christine Arylo too.  In honor of the Venus Transit, we are introducing the next “Choosing ME Before WE” 40-day self-love adventure – a transformational experience that you can take right from your home – designed to show you how to give up the settling, confusion and frustration and create the fabulous, happy, love-filled relationships you deserve.

Go here to learn more.

There couldn’t be a better time to invest in self-love so that people say this about you: “Yeah baby she’s got it!” (that’s for the Bananarama fans!).

Wishing you all the blessings of Venus.



“If you aren’t good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you’ll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren’t even giving to yourself.” -Barbara De Angelis

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