

How to listen to your own advice

G’Day from Australia!! If you read my UPdate a couple weeks ago, you know I came down under because my intuition guided me here. And now that I have been here a week I am so glad I listened to my own internal advice. It’s been a magical experience of synchronicities, opportunities to speak and coach, meeting new friends, seeing amazing sights, being interviewed on the national morning TV show here (see picture below), and teaching a workshop this Saturday. I understand the power of listening and RESPONDING to our intuition. So I’m inspired to give you a reminder and a step by step process to tune in to the nudges from your own intuition and seek less external guidance.

It’s time to stop going outside yourself for advice. Stop running to others for answers to questions about your life. Stop seeking guidance from people who will give guidance from their perspective? Stop waiting for some kind of lighting bolt sign from the Universe. Stop making pro and con lists over choices you are faced with. Stop attempting to “figure out” something with your logical mind.

Start going IN and getting QUIET.  The guidance you seek does not come from others. And the volume of your rational mind can be so loud that it drowns out the voice of your intuition. EVERYONE has intuition (yes even you!!).  But our intuition is not pushy like our logical minds are.  It is more of a whisper rather than a loud voice.  And the advice from our intuition often doesn’t make sense. So what!! Sense is so highly overrated and something our ego clings to for a false sense of security and control.

Are you listening to your intuition? Are you actually setting time aside to meditate, quiet your mind, and go within so you can actually hear your internal guidance, the source of your BEST advice?

If your antennae is up and something inside of you is saying YES YES I want to listen to my intuition more but I don’t know how, here is an easy process to soothe the “I don’t know how” talk from your logical mind:

  1. Make an intuitive date with yourself. Set aside some time when you turn everything off and go to a place where you will be undisturbed.
  2. Light a candle and set your intention of connecting to your intuition by stating it out loud.
  3. Close your eyes and ask to be cleared from Light from the Highest Source of the Uni-verse. Imagine a column of white light washing over you.
  4. Ask to be surrounded, protected and filled with Light from the Highest Source of the Uni-verse. Imagine being encircled and held in a golden ball of Light.
  5. Sit with your palms facing up so you are in a very receptive position.
  6. Focus on your breathing. Inhale for a count of 5, hold the breath for 5, exhale for a count of 5, hold the exhaled breath for 5 and then repeat 5 times.
  7. Then just get quiet and LISTEN.  Everyone’s intuition speaks in different ways. You may see an image. Hear guidance.  Or feel a sensation.
  8. If your mind comes in because you start thinking about the past, future, or your to-do list, simply acknowledge the thought and come back to your breath.
  9. Stay in this meditation for at least ten minutes.  If connecting with your inner guidance is new, be patient!!! Repeat this process daily and the volume of your intuition will become louder and clearer.
  10. Complete the meditation with asking for support from the Uni-verse. I offer you this prayer: “Uni-verse, please put the next step in front of me in a way I can see, understand and have the courage and willingness to take.”

Get quiet. Go in. ALL the answers and guidance you need is there. Trust your Intuition – it is a beautiful partner to your logical mind.  Who knows, you may just end up in Australia!


With love and blessings,


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