

I am a late bloomer & it’s okay if you are too

Today’s update is about coming into harmony with your personal rhythm and Divine timing. There is no “normal” when it comes to the timing of dreams.  There is a natural order and pacing to when things manifest in our lives.

But this is easy to forget because of modern day conditioning, which enforces a one-size-fits-all approach to when certain things should happen.  Perhaps you can relate to feeling like you should have things in your life or be at certain point given your age or experience.

In the vlog, I get very personal about my journey as a late bloomer and hope that it not only brings you comfort, but deep reverence for your own journey.

Growing up I was what you may call a “late bloomer.”  I grew and hit puberty years after my peers. It was difficult. My young mind thought there was something wrong with me and my young heart felt like I didn’t belong.  All I wanted was to be like everyone else and I would lie awake at night praying to catch up physically to all the other girls.

But as much as I wanted to force and control the timing of things, my body was on its own timing.  Eventually I did catch up and looking back I actually know the timing was just perfect. I was not late at all according to my own personal soul-line (which is way more accurate than any external timeline!!).

This is something I remind myself of whenever I feel behind or like I am not where I am supposed to be compared to other people when it comes to things like marriage, children and even my career.

I share this with you because I have a feeling you can relate.  Many of us experience the pain of comparison, not-enoughness, and thinking that we are running out of time.

Imagine how much peace you would experience if you knew and absolutely trusted you are exactly where you are supposed to be?!? What if you knew that there was no “normal” when it comes to when things are supposed to happen in your life?

  • Marianne Williamson’s published her first book at 40
  • Stan Lee, creator of Spider-Man, was 43 when he began drawing his legendary superheroes
  • Nelson Mandela was elected President of South Africa at 76
  • Halle Berry (and many, many other women) had their first child after 40
  • Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize at 69
  • Julia Child did not start culinary school until 40 and her first cookbook came out at 51

These are just a few examples of dreams and contributions that happened at the perfect time for each individual.  Let these be reminders to us all that it is never too late and life is a marathon not a sprint.  We hustle and bustle and hurry enough, could we all just slow down and have some patience?

Do you look at a rose bud and tell it to hurry up and blossom? Certainly not! You see the beauty in the process.  You see the grace in witnessing it transform from a closed bud into a beautiful fully expressed rose.

Just like the entelechy of a rose seedling is to blossom into a stunning fully opened rose, the entelechy of your soul is to expand into the most remarkable expression of you!

If something in your life is not happening on the timeline you expect, consider you are a late bloomer. Actually let’s stop even calling it late!!  Your soul is taking its sweet time to unfold in a way that is absolute perfection for you.

Together let’s move away from adhering to any linear, physical world reality timeline and align to our soul-line.  There have been and will be many more seasons in your life so please enjoy the process of planting seeds, watering them, and watching them blossom.  If you are too fixated on what is not in your life you are missing out on the beauty that is there.

As always, I love connecting with you so please head over to the comments section to share your thoughts.

Remember: There is no “normal” to the timing of dreams. There is a natural order & pacing to when things manifest. @christinhassler (Tweet this!).

Until next week . . .



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