

EP 2: Issue Based Relationships with Eileen

Hello everybody and welcome to another #overitandonwithit podcast.

When Eileen called she said she wanted to move past the breakup of a 3-year relationship. The relationship ended abruptly and she was still searching for closure from the other person.

Knowing the purpose of any relationship is for healing and growth, and not happily ever after, we worked through the issue based relationship Eileen had and what the relationship may have taught her about herself.

Listen in as Eileen discovers herself in the present and works to nurture her inside reality.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

Are there any unresolved hurts from previous relationships you are carrying around?

Can you see how you have drawn romantic relationships in to help fill a void?

Do you feel like you can’t move forward in life because you are stuck in the past?

Eileen’s Question:

Eileen is ready to move on from a past relationship but doesn’t know what steps to take. She also is seeking closure with the other person, she didn’t feel she received when the relationship ended abruptly.

Eileen’s Key Insights and Aha’s:
● She doesn’t trust herself with making decisions
● Certain qualities eroded during her relationship
● She felt somewhat addicted to the relationship
● Her past life includes a pattern of chasing love

How to get over it and on with it:
● Recognize your soul is ready to heal past issues
● Let go of any belief that the relationship could have worked out
● Reassure your younger self there is nothing she has to do to earn love
● Never underestimate the power of doing the invisible, internal things

Tools and Takeaways:
● Write a letter and start with Dear Name,
○ I’m saying goodbye because …
○ I learned …
○ I forgive you for …
○ I forgive myself for …
○ Thank you for …
● Write a letter to reassure your younger self
● Commit to 40 days of connection/forgiveness work
● Acknowledging your growth and your blessings


Christine Hassler



Is your attraction an addiction? Consider what unresolved issues brought this person into your life.
Do you take the time to bask in the gratitude of where you are? Not in the past or the future but the now.
Did you know writing these simple things will help you to move on after a breakup?

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