

EP 54: The Loss of a Love with Brittaney

EP54v1Do you honor the changing seasons of your life? As humans, we love the seasons of life where everything feels good and we are full of inspiration. But can we love or accept the seasons that don’t feel good? While the winter seasons of life can be brutal, eventually the spring does arrive. If we rush our process or try to push through things like grief and loss, we can harden and suppress emotion which is not healthy on any level.

Today’s caller, Brittaney, is grieving and finds herself in a challenging season of her life. She recently lost her grandmother and went through a romantic break-up at almost the same time. Brittaney doesn’t feel like herself and feels she has lost her passion for life. She would like to get #OverItandOnWithIt but there may be something else she needs to experience first.

If you are going through any type of loss, it is important to cry all of your tears. There is a big difference in indulging in emotion and going through the natural emotion of losing someone you love.

If you are supporting anyone who is going through a loss, the best way to serve and support them is to hold a space of unconditional love and compassion for them. Let them cry all of their tears so their grief can move through rather than be diverted through distraction or be repressed by being strong.

If your romantic relationship has ended, remember that in long-term relationships love isn’t enough. The passion and chemistry of falling in love with someone are the fun parts. But it takes a lot more than that to have a healthy long-term relationship.

I am putting together all of my best tools and resources for you. My video course is coming out in October and it will focus on acceptance — because acceptance is the first law of spirit. My gift to you is to be on the list for the first announcement and for the early bird discount. Visit ChristineHassler.com/VIPlist to sign up.

Australia friends, I will be in Sydney from September 27 – October 6. I am scheduling one-on-one sessions, half-day intensives and full day intensives. Sunday, October 2nd, I will be leading a workshop on building a meaningful and profitable business with heart. Email Jill@ChristineHassler.com for my scheduled openings.

Also, applications are available for my Secret Sauce program which can help you take your business to the next level. Email Jill@ChristineHassler.com for program details.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Have you recently gone through a loss of any kind? Are you in a season of grief and are attempting to rush through it?
  • Are you pushing through by attempting to be strong?
  • Do you have people who hold a space for you while you are dealing with your grief?
  • Are you someone who may be holding a space of unconditional love for someone else?

Brittaney’s Question:

Brittaney is having a hard time getting over her expectation hangover. She has recently experienced significant losses in her life.

Brittaney’s Key Insights and Aha’s:

  • She feels she has lost her passion for life
  • She accepted grief instead of pushing it away
  • Her best friend has been taking the brunt of her hurt
  • She has feelings of rejection after her break-up
  • She may have been playing the victim recently

How to get over it and on with it:

  • She should talk with the person who has transitioned
  • She needs to lean on other people in her life
  • She should keep her heart open
  • She should allow herself to be vulnerable
  • She should be gentle with herself and honor the process of grieving
  • She should have a good cry and ride the wave of her emotion

Assignments and Takeaways:

  • Do you have any buried grief? Maybe it’s time to cry your tears and honor your process
  • Write a letter to your heart and ask it how it is feeling
  • Cultivate a relationship with those who have passed over
  • If you need closure or completion, write a letter you don’t intend to send
  • Remember the power of vulnerability and reach out to friends or professionals
  • Be gentle with yourself
  • Get a copy of my book, Expectation Hangover


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Talk to people who have passed on. They need to hear from you and you may have important things you need to say.https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet
If you are going through any type of loss, it is important to cry all of your tears.https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet
There is a big difference in indulging in emotion and going through the natural emotion of losing someone you love.https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet

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