

How to let go of unhealthy relationships

Some relationships come with expiration dates. As we grow, we begin to see that perhaps the people we have chosen to be in relationships with in the past are no longer healthy to be with now. Although this makes logical sense, ending a relationship isn’t easy on the emotional level.

You may know that a person you are in a relationship with is rather dysfunctional, or at the very least not in alignment with where you want to go, yet you can’t seem to either break it off or get that person out of your head even if you did break it off. Even after it’s over, you may have a very difficult time moving on and really letting it go.

So how to we truly let go of relationships that really need to be over for good so that we can move forward?  This is the topic I coach Danielle on in this week’s episode of Over it and On With It.  She has been broken up with her boyfriend for months and knows the relationships is not healthy but is still experiencing what she calls “anxious attachment.” In other words, she can’t get him out of her head and still feels pulled to go back to him, which is causing her a lot of anxiety.

Can you relate to any of the following:

  • Are you still attached to – either still in relationship with or still energetically invested in/obsessing about – someone who you know is not healthy for you to be around?
  • Have you ended a relationship with someone that you know has reached it’s expiration date but keep coming up with reasons as to why you should give it another chance?
  • Do you think there could be some hurts involving your past that you haven’t quite dealt with and therefore still playing out in your present?
  • Do you keep attracting and dating the same person over and over again with a different face?

If you can relate to any of the above or you’d like to listen to me coach Danielle out of her anxious attachment, go here to tune into episode 73.

The essence of the work we get to in this coaching session was around the hurt she felt by never feeling close to her father, or quite frankly anyone in her family. In working with past hurts regarding her dad, it was important that Danielle got out of her head and into her feelings about it. This was a great example of how she “knew” her issues that were creating blocks to a healthy relationship but just kept attracting the same kind of unhealthy relationship.

By the end of the call, you’ll hear how free Danielle feels because she is 100% willing to let go of what she knows was a dysfunctional relationship!!

Today I encourage you to take an HONEST look at the relationships you are still invested in.  If you want to get over them, you have to be 100% willing to let them go.

And remember . . .

We attract and accept the love we think we deserve (Tweet this!) If you want a different kind of relationship, it is time to change the way you love and care for yourself.


p.s. Would you like a behind the scenes look into all of my lifehacks? Come join my Inner Circle which is a membership community where you get access to one-on-one coaching calls, my guided meditations and visualizations, and lifestyle practices.  More info here.

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