

EP 77: How to Get Over Your Fear of Pursuing Your Dream Career with Katie

EP77v1This episode is about pursuing dreams, overcoming fears, and stepping into the freedom of being an entrepreneur. Today’s caller, Katie, feels a calling to start a business as a coach, but fear is holding her back.

We don’t get out of fear with pep talks or trying to push our way through. We get out of fear through action. One of Katie’s action steps is enrolling in B-School.

Fear about what other people think of you will paralyze you, if you are not focused on service and impact. If you make your work about you, it will drain you emotionally. You will constantly be trying to protect yourself from criticism or judgment. It is not possible for everyone to like you. Feedback is feedback. You can choose to get triggered by it, and take it personally, or you can receive it neutrally. You have your own unique group of people you are supposed to help. Stop giving your energy to the people who aren’t your people.

If you stop analyzing everything, and start taking action, you will be able to use the energy to generate momentum in your business. Please stop wasting your time and energy obsessing about what other people think.

If you feel a calling and feel like you have gifts to share, stop stalling, and trust your gifts; it wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t leading you somewhere. Your dreams and desires are not random. But, only you can turn them into reality.

If you desire freedom of time and freedom of self expression, or you can feel a calling to do what you love, enroll in Marie Forleo’s B-School. I use what I learned in B-School in my business. It has helped me to uplevel every aspect of my business. Enrollment ends March 3rd, so use the payment plan and get started. It pays for itself. I am offering 4 free 90-minute group coaching calls, access to a private Facebook group, guided meditations, mastermind day and other bonuses because I believe in the program so much.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you feel a calling, but fear is stopping you?
  • Do you want to put yourself out there, but are concerned about what other people will think of you?
  • Do you believe you need to be perfect, and have everything figured out, before you can help others or start a business?
  • Do you worry about being too vulnerable?
  • Are you wondering where the line is between being relatable and being professional?

Katie’s Question:

Katie would like to know how to get through the fear and anxiety that has come with the attention her new business is getting.

Katie’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She’s afraid of what people will think about her.
  • She is judging herself more than other people are judging her.
  • She doesn’t know where to draw the line, when sharing her personal situation.
  • She knows sharing her story is important.
  • She should lean into her excitement and not the fear and anxiety.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • She should focus on serving others, not on herself.
  • She should own her feelings, and acknowledge she may not be completely through her stuff.
  • She should acknowledge which stage her business is in.
  • She should lean into what she wants more of, and how she wants to serve others.
  • She should get excited about her new business.
  • She should write out her mission and get clear on her why.
  • She should focus on the people who resonate with her.


Christine Hassler
Christine Hassler Podcasts
Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler
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@christinehassler on Instagram
Marie Forleo’s B-School
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level,
by Gay Hendricks


Fear is not accurate feedback. https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet
If you put yourself out there, and then worry about what people think about you, life will be hell. https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet
The pain of not living into our potential is far worse than the discomfort we go through, walking through it. https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet

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