

Why do we push love away?

We long for love.  We want to fall in love, feel loved and love others.

So why is it that sometimes when love comes our direction, we get scared and push it away?  If we want love so badly, why do we run from it when it comes? What makes us engage in sabotaging behaviors or question whether we can trust the love that is coming our direction?

This is exactly the topic I explore in episode 91 of Over It and On With It. I coach Samantha who is in a new relationship that is very loving; however, she notices herself having a lot of anxiety her lovability and whether or not she can trust love, which is causing her to push him away.

This is an important episode to listen to no matter if you are in relationship or not because we touch on some of the big fears when it comes to receiving any kind of love or attention. Listen here.

You see all of us want love and to be seen, but when it comes right down to actually receiving love and letting love FULLY in, it can feel incredibly overwhelming.

When we lack self-love and doubt our own lovability, we get scared and push love away. We do this from little things like deflecting compliments to big things like “testing” people that are close to us by seeing how many buttons we can push in them until they run.

We have a story about love like “love leaves” or “people that love me hurt me” or “I’m not good at love”  . . . and then as much as we don’t want to relieve that story, our attempts to protect ourselves from it end up recreating it.

How do we shift this and truly LET LOVE IN? That’s the question I answer as I coach Samantha.

>>Go here to listen to Episode 91<<

There is nothing you have to do to deserve love.  Trust your lovability and let love in.

The only way to get the love you want, is to go all in.((Tweet This!!))

With love,

p.s. How would you like VIP access to an incredible tribe of like-minded people and me as your coach?  If that sounds appealing, then join my Inner Circle!  This unique, intimate group composed of men and women from around the world and you can enroll at any time. It is a monthly membership that you can cancel at any time. Learn more here or email jill@christinehassler.com to set up a call and discover if Inner Circle is right for you.

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