

How to Trust Yourself

Is there a decision you are struggling with? Is there something you want to do but you just are not 100% sure if you should?

If your answer is yes, how would it feel if I gave you permission to make the choice you want to make but are scared to?

My guess is you would feel relief. But then you would question that relief with what if’s like:

What if I hurt someone? What if I fail? What if it isn’t the “right” decision? What if people don’t agree?

All these what if’s are keeping you in limbo. They are keeping you a prisoner of fear. They are reinforcing a limiting belief that other people’s feelings or expectations are more important than your TRUTH.

In today’s vlog I talk about how to stop doubting and start trusting yourself. Be sure to watch because this is a VERY important topic if you want to live into your full potential.

One of the most common patterns I’ve seen in over a decade of being a coach is people seeking me out for clarity about a decision. Almost 100% of the time, they already know the answer. They are just looking for someone to give them reassurance and permission.

But it’s not my job (or anyone else’s) to give you permission. What is my job as a coach is to guide you back to trusting your intuition. YOU are the boss of your life!! You can trust your intuition even if it does not always make sense or feels scary. 

It is time to stop running to other people for answers! Believe me, I understand how hard that is especially when it comes to BIG decisions. In the vlog I share an example of a biggie decision in my life that involved a pretty awesome move from my Dad so be sure to watch.

Remember:  You cannot develop self-trust without action.  Sitting in indecision just reinforces self-doubt and anxiety (Tweet this!). The minute you make a choice, you are back in action and you feel free. Worst-case scenario is there may be an expectation hangover but then you just pivot, learn and adjust. But paralysis by analysis just keeps you stuck!

What do you need to give yourself permission to do? Head on over to the blog and comment so I can cheer you on!!

I believe in you! I trust you! It’s time for you to trust you.

With love,


p.s. Did you catch my podcast this week? I coach Montana on how to put herself first in order to figure out what she wants to do professionally. Go here to listen

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