

Coaches Corner: Seal Fit with Mark Divine

Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at , Sep 18>10.40.25 AMMost people think mental toughness when they imagine a Navy SEAL.What they don’t expect is the thoughtful, yoga-innovating, joking and laughing, professor of leadership named Mark Divine.

Through Mark’s teaching, entrepreneurial endeavors and travel to foreign countries, he noticed the power of mental toughness, emotional resilience, intuitive leadership and a healthy spirit for anyone wanting breakthrough performance.They weren’t solely for combat or restricted to the business world or one culture. He’d watch them transform lives in people from every background, nation and belief system.So he wrote and self-published his first book, Unbeatable Mind, in 2011 and launched its at-home study program.

Listen in as Christine learns about having an unbeatable mind from Mark and don’t miss the incredible breath work exercise he takes us through!

Learn more at https://unbeatablemind.com

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