Is it better to use your head or heart when faced with a decision?

Decisions . . . they can be liberating or paralyzing. They are liberating if we relish in the freedom we have when it comes to choosing everything from our outfit to our job to our thoughts. But they are paralyzing if we hang out in limbo waaaaaaay to long going back and forth between options.…

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How to get over a Break-up

A Breakup. There is not much that feels worse than heartache from ending a relationship. This week I’ve heard from a lot of people who are going through a breakup – either a romantic one or a friendship – so I wanted to share ways to expedite your healing process and avoid unnecessary struggle (and…

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Three tips for making it stick

I often get asked how to really make a habit stick – like going to the gym, meditating or eating healthy.  The most honest answer is: just do it! But I can appreciate that is easier said than done. In today’s vlog  I share my three top tips for making a habit or practice a permanent…

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Please, please, PLEASE don’t . . .

Please do not give up. Even when it gets hard . . . especially when it gets hard because the truth is: It is not always easy to get the things we want, but it is always possible @christinhassler (tweet this!) I see so many people give up and loose hope when things get hard. They…

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Why you fear success

You know how awesome it feels when things are going super awesome in your life and you are doing the happy dance because you are expectation hangover free. Or how liberating it feels when you have big breakthroughs and experience a high and renewed sense of enthusiasm about life. You feel successful, accomplished, proud and…

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How to feel safe even when you are scared

Life comes with some scary moments. Sometimes we create fear with our thoughts and can move out of feeling scared when we change how and what we are thinking. Other time things happen that are just downright scary. How do we feel safe then? This is a question I have been answering inside myself after…

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Why some friendships end and how to make new ones

Like all relationships some friendships come with expiration dates. As we evolve, the people that surround us also change. Although this makes logical sense, growing apart from friends or ending a friendship that drains you isn’t easy on the emotional level. It can be confusing and often lonely. I had several questions about how to…

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Are you too nice?

Are you too nice? That may seem like a strange question because most of us would think that being nice is a wonderful way to be. But sometimes we are too nice. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for love, kindness and generosity. Yet I’ve noticed that although niceness is very p.c., it isn’t…

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This is no bueno!

Warning: You may be doing something that is really bad for you so my message today is muy importante! (I’m in Costa Rica leading my annual retreat here so I’m practicing mi Español!!) My warning has to do with how you treat yourself. It is probably not news to you that most of us are…

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One of my most important dates

It is so cool that we get to experience a wide range of emotions like joy, love, inspiration, gratitude and so many feelings that feel so yummy. But not all of our emotions feel super great, so what do we do with those? Well the answer is NOT to suppress them or attempt to get…

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