

EP 168: How to Stay Committed to Your Passion Project and Self-Care with Jenna

This call is about finding the motivation to be consistent and committed to working on important projects and self-care. Today’s caller, Jenna, would like to follow through with her passion project but limiting beliefs created in during her childhood and her fear of disappointment keep her from taking action. If you can relate to a lack of motivation or self-sabotaging behavior, then you will receive a lot from this episode.

We all know that taking care of ourselves and spending time investing in our dreams is important and “good” for us. So, why is it hard to actually do it? Are there enough hours in the day? Do we need a better motivation strategy? Are we just to busy with the to-dos and everyday demands of life? No. Not following through on the things that matter most has zero to do with time or obligations and 100% to do with our own internal blocks.

We often look too much at the things we want to change or how far we have to go to be healed in some way, without acknowledging and celebrating how incredibly far we’ve come.

Many people did not have an easy past. Most of your parents have not done any personal development work and raised you more from their own pain than from a truly healthy place. It’s not their fault — they were doing the best they could. But many of you missed out on some major developmental milestones because of your past and the way you were parented. So, cut yourself some slack when you run into obstacles as adults. The obstacles are there to bring awareness to the ways you need to go back and re-parent yourself.

If you had no one taking care of you and you were always taking care of other people, of course, self-care is not going to come naturally. Or, if you had the winds taken out of your sails many times, getting excited about something may come with a sense of caution because you are scared of an expectation hangover.

If you want to inspire yourself, find your why and then find a feel-good feeling to move you toward it.

Many people get lonely over the holidays, so I am bringing back my group sessions but this time I am holding them virtually on Zoom. The first group session will be held on December 3rd at 5 pm Pacific Time, 8 pm Eastern Time. No matter where you are in the world you can participate for just $20. I will be facilitating a live, guided meditation and visualization process plus we will focus on dealing with the stress and loneliness that many experience during the holidays, managing ‘shoulds’ and expectations, and setting crystal clear intentions for the new year. Sign up at ChristineHassler.com/Group or email Jill@ChristineHassler.com.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you ‘shoulding’ all over yourself?
  • Are there things you enjoy doing but getting yourself to do them is challenging?
  • When you look back on your childhood, did you have one or did you have to grow up too early?
  • Is it hard for you to get excited about things? But you are so terrified of disappointment or an expectation hangover that you keep your expectations and excitements low?

Jenna’s Question:

Jenna wants to know how she can show up for herself and follow through on her self-care goals.

Jenna’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She has started and stopped projects for much of her life.
  • She wants to start a podcast.
  • She is doesn’t know who she is.
  • She felt like a chameleon growing up.
  • She had a lot of expectation hangovers as a child.
  • She feels alone in her motherhood journey.
  • She doesn’t feel safe expressing herself.
  • She has to separate herself from her negative self-talk.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Her why and her fear of not moving forward need to become bigger than the limiting beliefs that come up for her.
  • She needs to establish her soul family and reach out to other beginner podcasters.
  • She needs to expand her meetup group.
  • She needs to trust that life is supporting her.
  • She should revisit the emotional and mental sections of the Personal Mastery Course.

Takeaways For You:

  • If you are feeling blocked in your present, look to your past. There are unresolved issues, hurts, and missed developmental stages there to heal.
  • Join my Personal Mastery Course to help unlock any keys from your past that are keeping you blocked.
  • Find a why for your self-care and your passion project, then a feel-good feeling to go along with it.
  • If fear is in your way then find something to be even more scared about.
  • Talk back to the voices in your head.
  • Get support in your life. You don’t have to do your passion project alone.


Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.

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Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

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Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover

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Assist@ChristineHassler.com — If you want to be a guest on this show.


Sometimes the things that matter to us most bring up the most resistance. https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet Self-care includes asking for our needs, saying no, and speaking our truth. https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet As a child, how often did you have to pretend things were OK when they really weren’t? https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet

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