EP 295: Healing from Trauma with Anne

This episode is about healing trauma. Today’s caller, Anne, is a musician who wants to expand her creative expression but feels blocked due to the sexual abuse she experienced. She has done a lot of personal development work but still has difficulty fully expressing herself. She wants guidance on how to navigate through her trauma…

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EP 257: Breaking the Silence About Child Abuse with Bianca

This call is about healing trauma that comes from being sexualized as a child. Recent events have triggered today’s caller, Bianca, who was traumatized by her parents as a child. And, even though she was subjected to pitiful parenting, she still wants to love and protect them. We discuss the importance of making her healing…

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EP 208: Breaking the Cycle of Abuse with Joe

This episode is about breaking the cycle of abuse. Today’s caller, Joe, just got out of a relationship where he abused his ex-girlfriend mentally, emotionally, and physically and she wasn’t the first. Compassion is key as you listen to this call. Being a human being is tricky. We never know someone’s backstory when we judge…

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