

My best tips to stay motivated

Getting motivated is often easy.  We have an initial burst of inspiration toward a goal or get super excited about an idea.  But staying motivated is not always as easy.

As a coach, I am committed to exploring what keeps people motivated to keep progressing toward their goals until they actually reach them. Over the years I have found there is one magical ingredient to consistent motivation and subsequent success: momentum.

I share about how to maintain momentum as well as tell you a story about my recent rock climbing experience in today’s vlog.

After not doing any climbing for at least a decade, I reached the top of a 55-foot wall, which I totally did not think I could do!! I made it all the way without slipping once. The only way I was able to do it was to keep putting one foot in front of the other determined to reach my goal. I never paused and I only looked at where I was on the wall. I never looked down and I never looked up. I kept the momentum going.

This is such a great metaphor for keeping momentum in life. We get bogged down if we look behind us and overwhelmed if we look too far ahead of us. One step at a time with focus, momentum and determination is what helps us reach our goals!

When you loose momentum, you experience a feeling of backtracking, which makes it even harder to get going again. So keep the momentum going by taking at least one step (even if it’s a teeny tiny little baby step) every day toward your goal.

An object in motion stays in motion.  Keep moving toward your goals one step at a time and trust you WILL reach them!! (Tweet this!)

Make sure to watch the video for my three big tips for how to have focus, momentum and determination.

And share with me . . .

What goals are you working toward? What area of your life needs some momentum? Head on over to the comments so I can cheer you on!

With love,

p.s. How would you like VIP access to me as your coach and an insider look at my best tips and tricks to empower you to uplevel your life?  If that sounds appealing, then join my Inner Circle!  This unique, intimate group composed of men and women from around the world and you can enroll at any time. It is a monthly membership that you can cancel at any time. Learn more here or email jill@christinehassler.com to set up a call and discover if Inner Circle is right for you.

p.p.s. Don’t miss this weeks podcast episode where I coach Ravi on overcoming his inner bully so he can discover his purpose.  Listen here.

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