You asked for it . . . a retreat for men and women!!
For years you have been asking me to host retreat for women AND MEN. Well it is finally happening!
I am so psyched to share that my dear friend Aubrey Marcus and I will be co-facilitating a 3-day retreat in Austin: LOVE. Practice Makes the Master May 26 – 28th in Austin, Texas. We will focus on improving the quality of relationships in your life, (including the relationship with yourself) so you can experience more connection, intimacy, and freedom.
If you do not know who Aubrey is, allow me to share a little bit about him . . .
Out of all the men I could have asked to lead a retreat with, Aubrey is at the top of my list. He walks the talk. He has done the deep work that leads to freedom and success on all level. And not only has he founded a very successful company for years, he also devotes his life to supporting people in going for their own personal wins. He is a masterful facilitator with a heart of gold and I cannot wait to share him with all of you!
Aubrey and I will be bringing a beautiful mix of masculine and feminine energy so EVERYONE feels seen, heard and loved. We will provide a super juicy experience rich with inspiration and transformation.
Included in the retreat: coaching on love and relationship challenges, breath work and guided meditation, onsite yoga, experiential processes to open your heart, guided processes to help you identify and step into your purpose, all while connecting to a tribe of like-minded people.
This weekend is for singles or couples. ANYONE is welcome. If you want a relationship, we will help you remove the blocks to having one. If you crave self-acceptance, we will support you in remembering the truth of who you are. If you long for more intimacy in your current relationship, we will show you how to create it. If you are question what your purpose is, we will help you find it.
>> Go here for more details and to register <<
And to the ladies in relationships with men, many of you have personally asked me how to share personal growth work and spirituality with your man. Well, this is your opportunity!! And to the men that have asked me for a retreat, this is your chance to connect with other like-minded men. Like I said, Aubrey brings the masculine energy so men will not feel this is too “woo-woo” and there will be lots of other men there.
Here are some of the weekend highlights:
Day 1: Self-love
- – Meditation
- – Setting Intentions
- – Discuss relationship with ourselves
- – Catered dinner
- – Guided Breathwork
Day 2: Romantic Relationships
- – Onsite Yoga
- – Meditation
- – Aubrey + Christine discuss romantic relations
- – Group work
- – Catered Lunch
- – Feminine Energy vs. Masculine Energy
- – Group Coaching with Aubrey + Christine
Day 3: Relationship with Community and Purpose
- – Ecstatic Dance led by Aubrey Marcus
- – Group work
- – Onnit Tour
- – Catered Lunch
- – Mission + Purpose led by Aubrey
- – In-depth Q&A
This is a special, once in a lifetime kind of experience and will only happen once so do not miss this. We are also keeping the group small so we can work closely with everyone.
Plus, you get to come to my hometown Austin which you will love. I cannot wait for this retreat. It is going to be off the charts.
Get your spot now. Go here for more details and to register.
With love,
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