

EP 158: Increase Your Self-Worth with Chrystal

The core issue in this coaching session is abandonment. Chrystal’s limiting beliefs around trust began when her father left the family to return to his home country. She took on her father’s issues by personalizing the event and she is still triggered by the event, even as an adult. She has a breakthrough when she realizes her father’s decisions had nothing to do with her and she is worthy of abundance and love.

If you feel you are broken or unlovable in some way, it is important to know most humans in the western world struggle with this. Part of our journey as humans evolving in consciousness is to upgrade the limiting belief that we are not worthy in some way or there is something we have to do to prove our enoughness. It’s easy to fall into the conditioning that we have to do something to be worthy. That we have to do something to be enough and to be loved.

It stems from childhood programming and conditioning. There is nothing you need to do to earn worthiness, enoughness, or love. If you have checked off a lot of boxes in your life and have done things you thought would make you feel worthy but you are still not feeling it, it’s because nothing outside of you can make you feel worthy or embody worthiness.

Feeling worthy is truly an inside job that requires going back and updating some beliefs, healing core issues and re-framing how you look at life experiences.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you struggle with self-worth? Do you know intellectually you are enough but you just aren’t feeling it?
  • Did you have a significant life event when someone left or someone was critical so you started to believe you did something wrong? DId you personalize it?
  • Do you relate to being a giver? Is it easy for you to show up for people and show compassion for others but have difficulty receiving compassion?
  • Do you live life ‘on guard’? Are you always waiting for the other shoe to drop or thinking in worst-case scenarios?

Chrystal’s Question:

Chrystal is having trouble loving herself and would like to understand her worth.

Chrystal’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She has always struggled with knowing her worth.
  • She was depressed and suicidal in her teens.
  • She gets triggered by certain events.
  • Her father left the family when she was a child.
  • She felt loved by her father but she felt like the second option.
  • She always considers the worst-case scenarios.
  • She protects herself from being hurt again.
  • She resigned from her job.
  • She is perpetuating her limiting beliefs.
  • She wants everything to be perfect.
  • She realizes her father made decisions for him, not her.
  • She internalizes other people’s pain.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • She should stop personalizing the situation.
  • She should read Expectation Hangover and attend the Personal Mastery Course.
  • During triggering events she needs to reassure 5-year-old Chrystal and make her feel worthy.
  • She needs to realize her life lessons are a gift, not a punishment.
  • She needs to remember she is worthy of abundance and love.


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Our whole purpose of being on earth and to evolve the human species is to know that we are whole, we are complete, and we are not better or worse than anyone else. https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet Never source your love from someone else. It’s an inside job. https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet You don’t need a ‘because.’ You are loveable and have worth just being who you are. https://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Click To Tweet

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