

EP 213: How Your Fear of Failure is Sabotaging Your Success with Lindsey

This episode is about moving past your fears to take a risk, make a change, or pursue something you love. I coach today’s caller, Lindsey, on how to move from awareness to implementation. She knows the next steps to take but cannot figure out why she isn’t taking them. She thinks her problem is about time management, productivity, and balance but, as you will hear in the call, it’s not about that at all.

What do you think about failure? Imagine you fail, or you get a no, or your endeavor is a complete flop. What happens inside of you? What do you think and feel? Are you embarrassed?

A healthy relationship to failure is an essential ingredient to success. Failure is defined as a lack of success. But defining success is more difficult because if success is learning something, growing, or having experiences that make us stronger and wiser, then we never really fail. In my opinion, the only way you fail is if you go into the hopeless, helpless victim mode.

Stop playing it safe just because you want to avoid failure. Get out of your comfort zone, and jump in the pool instead of taking teeny, tiny baby steps so you can move forward.

You have to drop the guilt and give yourself permission to do what you want.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • How are you at moving from awareness to implementation?
  • How do you feel about failure? What has been your biggest failure to date?
  • What steps do you know you should take, but don’t seem to be taking?

Lindsey’s Question:

Lindsey would like to know how to take action and use her time more wisely.

Lindsey’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She lives in an Expectation Hangover.
  • She’s never made a step without having a plan in place.
  • She’s feeling paralysis from analysis.
  • The fear of change is holding her back.
  • There is a piece of her that remains unfulfilled.
  • She knows the status quo will lead to regret and remorse.
  • She has a fear that no one will want to work with her.
  • She feels guilty about her lack of focus.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • She should give herself permission to do what she wants to do.
  • She needs to take steps that don’t threaten her sense of security but are still out of her comfort zone.
  • She needs to write out the expectations she makes of herself and then create agreements with herself.


  • Take a risk and let yourself fail.
  • Write down your expectations and then make agreements with yourself, and stick to them.
  • Give yourself permission to go for your dreams, even if it means failing.


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People who are planners have big daydreams but don’t take action, because they don’t like uncertainty. Share on X Only you can decide the level of risk you are willing to tolerate, but the higher the risk, the higher the reward. Share on X Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from taking action. You can leverage your failures as learning opportunities. Share on X

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