

EP 228: Getting Out of Your Head with Michelle

This episode is about getting out of your head and in touch with spirit. Today’s caller, Michelle, is intelligent and has a lot of awareness but her awareness and her thinking are blocking her from a deeper connection to spirit and to the essence of who she truly is.

We can’t answer spiritual questions with the mind. That is just the nature of spiritual questions. They can’t be answered through the intellect. I have found that sometimes the smarter you are, or the more you are in your head, the harder it is to meditate, to find a connection to spirit, and to drop into your heart. It doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It just means when we have a strong mind it likes to hold on to thinking and control with a tighter grip.

We think and think and think about how to figure something out but how do we figure out a truth? You can figure out a puzzle, you can figure out a math problem or how to build something but you can’t figure out enoughness. There is no mathematical equation to figure out love. You just feel it. There is no structured formula to tell you that you feel love for somebody. It’s a feeling and so is enoughness and oneness. When we have a strong thinking mind it’s hard to access true unconditional love.

It isn’t until we have an experience of God that we really know we are whole and complete and knowing, no matter what.

There are only a few spots left for my Signature Spring Retreat. To release self-protective behaviors, heal past pain, and reclaim your confidence, peace, power, and purpose, attend my Spring Retreat in San Diego, March 6th–8th. To accelerate your growth and invest in yourself visit ChristineHassler.com/spring-retreat or email Jill@ChristineHassler.com.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you someone who really likes to know things?
  • Do you struggle with worthiness or feeling enough?
  • Does some part of you believe that worthiness is based on what you can do or accomplish? Or, that someone else’s worthiness is based on what they can do?
  • Do you feel connected to God?
  • Does satisfaction or fulfillment feel fleeting to you?

Michelle’s Question:

Michelle believes that worthiness is directly tied to actions and would like guidance on how to reframe the idea and feel worthy from a spiritual perspective.

Michelle’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She feels unworthy spiritually.
  • She never feels satisfied.
  • She was raised in a religious household but doesn’t subscribe to all the beliefs.
  • She enjoys rules and structure in her life.
  • She teaches yoga.
  • She is mind-dominant.
  • She associates her thoughts with who she is.
  • She is ready to surrender.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • She needs to figure out who she is, if not her thinking mind.
  • She should consider getting a dog.
  • She needs to give God and the universe permission to send her clear messages or invitations.
  • She needs to adopt a spiritual practice.
  • She needs to see herself through the lens of self-compassion.
  • She needs to consider joining other like-minded people at my Spring Retreat.


  • Listen to last week’s episode, Breaking Up with a Religion.
  • Sign up for my Personal Mastery Course.
  • Put out the call to have a spiritual experience for your highest good to bring in a workshop, the teacher, the ceremony to help you have an experience of God.


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The smarter we are the harder it can be to connect to spirit because the mind gets in the way. Share on X Our souls feel more at home when we are in a place of love, acceptance, and knowing that we are whole, complete, and accepted no matter what. Share on X There are many types of messengers in life. Share on X

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