

EP 338: How to Increase Your Self-worth with Samantha

This episode is about how to heal self-worth issues. Today’s caller, Samantha, was dismissed by her father and never feels worthy of anything in her life. She asks for guidance on how to heal, and to connect more deeply with her children. We discuss how she can release her self-judgment, replace it with compassion, and make it an opportunity to heal her inner child.

For the most part, anything that happens before the age of 12, makes us into the adults we are. If we don’t feel wanted by our parents, the people who are supposed to want us and love us, it creates a big core wound. When we have low self-worth we think we are a burden and we deprive people in our lives of showing up and giving to us.

If we commit to personal development, we have to let go of self-judgment. We will not transform and heal if we judge ourselves. Love and judgment can not be in the same place. We can love the part of ourselves that judges us because we know it is just trying to protect us, but if we are frustrated with ourselves, transformation won’t happen.

When judgment and frustration come up, know that it is our inner child calling out to us to meet their needs.

Enrollment for the 2022 Elementum Coaching Institute closes on March 2, 2022. It is a nine-month comprehensive coaching certification program. It is a mix of learning the best coaching tools and skills but also doing your own inner work.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you struggle with self-worth?
  • Did you have a dismissive parent and felt you were in their way?
  • Do you have a lot of awareness but things are not changing?
  • As a parent, do you have trouble connecting to your children or your inner child?

Samantha’s Question:

Samantha has a core wound of not feeling worthy. She would like guidance on how to shift it and connect more intimately with her children.

Samantha’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She received answers from the people closest to her she didn’t expect to hear.
  • She has never felt worthy of anything.
  • She has done personal development work from a young age.
  • Her father was angry and dismissed her.
  • She wants to be unapologetically herself.
  • She is frustrated to have awareness but is unable to shift.
  • She judges herself for how she feels.
  • She feels like a robot and sensitive, yet she compartmentalizes her feelings.
  • She feels she puts a target on her back for someone to attack her negatively.
  • She suppresses her feelings.
  • She is being her dad to herself.
  • She finds it hard to connect with her daughter.
  • She didn’t feel protected by her mother.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Replace her judgment and frustration with compassion.
  • Connect with her inner child and ask her what she needs.
  • Make a self-honoring choice to not see her father anymore.
  • Use her judgments as opportunities to parent her inner child.


  • The last live inner child workshop is an evergreen program. Go to ChristineHassler.com/innerchild to get the entire workshop. It is just like attending the live event and you can go through it at your own pace.
  • If you have a self-worth issue, ask people for what you need and let them show up for you.


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Healing never occurs in the presence of judgment and frustration. Click To Tweet If we don’t feel wanted by our parents, the people who are supposed to want us and love us, it creates a big core wound. Click To Tweet We engage in dysfunctional patterns with parents who didn’t meet our needs because we are still trying to get their love. Click To Tweet

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