

Coaches Corner: How to manifest and embody whatever you desire with Emily Fletcher

Emily is the founder of Ziva and has taught the Ziva Technique to over 40,000 people. Her best-selling book, Stress Less, Accomplish More, debuted at #7 out of all books on Amazon and has been translated into 12 languages. In 2021, she launched zivaKIDS, the first meditation course of its kind for kids ages 4-14.
A formerly stressed Broadway performer who was going gray at 27, Emily discovered a powerful practice that cured her insomnia and improved her health on the first day. The Ziva Technique is a powerful combination of mindfulness, meditation and manifesting designed to help you get better at life, not meditation.
You can join her for a FREE embodiment and manifestation event on May 17th at christinehassler.com/emily

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