In this printed and spiral bound Over It & On With It 40 Day Journal, I’m giving you two of my favorite “life hacks” that have become sacred processes. Doing these have not only created positive changes in my life, they’ve made me more peaceful, productive, and prosperous overall!
When you order the journal, you’ll also receive a free download of meditations to help you manifest more of what you want!

10 years ago, I was feeling overwhelmed in my life and business. I wanted to feel more spiritual, be more productive, and there was so much I wanted to create. I tried so many different ways of managing my time and to-do lists—including color-coding my calendar, online programs, apps—but nothing was working.
So, I created my own system. Every day when I woke up… I’d get out my journal, write the date at the top of the page, and divide the page into two columns for my “get to” list. I’d focus only on the things I needed to get done for just that one day. Not next week or next month… just one day. I’d have one column for me and what I needed to do, and one column for the Universe and where I needed help.
This helped me shift from believing I had to do it all myself, to acknowledging that “getting things done” was a collaborative process with the Universe and I didn’t have to be so overwhelmed all of the time.
The amazing thing about the universe is you can ask for anything you want. If you have to call a customer service person for your insurance company, you can ask the universe to put you on the phone with someone that’s super helpful. You can ask for great parking spaces. You can ask for relief from physical symptoms. You can ask for anything you want. That’s the thing about the universe. It’s kind, it’s generous, and it’s just waiting for us to ask.
I’ve created the Over It and On With It Journal in the exact way that I do my journal so that you and the Universe can “get to” creating everything you desire daily… without the overwhelm. If you want to feel more productive and more peaceful in your life, grab your copy of the Over It and On With It Journal!
When you order the Over It and On With It Journal, you’ll also receive a free download of meditations to help you manifest more of what you want!
The secret to manifesting involves more than just thinking about what we want or creating a vision board. We attract things through feelings. The more abundant, prosperous, and grateful we’re feeling, the more we’re going to attract. This meditation album is designed specifically to help you cultivate the feelings that allow you to manifest exactly what you desire!