For many years I bought into the misunderstanding that being hard on myself was an effective way to motivate myself. I measured myself up against others and used comparison as fuel to make myself do more. This was absolutely effective on the external level. I got things done. I was successful. People would say I…
Read MoreWouldn’t you love to bring in more of what you want in your life without working so hard at it? If the answer is yes, then I think you will really love the practice I have for you today that is one of the biggest secrets to my success. In the vlog I share stories…
Read MoreIf you have been part of my community for a while, you know that I see and use everything in my life as a learning opportunity. Last week class was definitely in session for me!!! In this week’s vlog, you’ll notice my energy level is actually quite low because I was still really feeling the…
Read MoreWe all know that fear, anxiety, and worry limit our potential, harm our relationships, affect our ability to thrive financially, and hold us back from fulfilling our life purpose. Yet sometimes they get the best of us. It can be challenging to pull out of fear, anxiety or worry especially when they feel really real.…
Read MoreFirst a note to my dear community: My regular blog/vlog style will be back next week. I just wanted to make sure you knew about my free B-School bonuses to help you build your business. Please read on if you are a current or aspiring entrepreneur or forward to someone you know who is. So .…
Read MoreToday’s update is for those of you who either have or desire to have your own business. If that is you, keep reading. If that is NOT YOU, please consider forwarding this information to an aspiring heart-centered entrepreneur. One thing I have not talked much about publicly are some of the mistakes I made early…
Read MoreSecrets are toxic. I’m not talking about the sacred things we keep to ourselves or hold in confidence when others have confided in us. I am talking about the kind of secrets we . . . Keep inside because we are ashamed. Hide because we are so afraid to tell anyone for fear of what…
Read More“Some of us get wake up calls in a graceful way and some of us need a massive 2×4 to hit us on the head.”- Christine Hassler This week I had the honor of being interviewed on one of my favorite podcasts, The Art of Charm, about how to cure Expectation Hangovers. Go here to…
Read MoreThe New Year is just around the corner along with the tradition of making resolutions, which are usually promises to do something “more, better, or different.” We vow to exercise more, get a better job, meditate regularly, fall in love, or find a different way to handle our stress. But does this really do us…
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