Coaches Corner: Tips for dealing with your Inner Critic

Christine explains how your inner critic was formed and why it exists. She also shares why getting rid of your inner critic is not a good idea (and attempting to do so doesn’t really work anyway). Instead learn how to “promote” your inner critic through a six-step process Christine walks you through. Subscribe in iTunes…

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EP 184: Stop Your ‘Start, Stop’ Sabotaging Pattern with Luca

This episode is about self-judgment and overwhelm and how to nourish yourself through it. Today’s caller, Luca, is on a mission to make wellness accessible to others but has a pattern of starting a project and then stopping. As soon as he gains momentum he feels unworthy of his progress so he judges and criticizes…

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Creating Conscious Friendships with my soul sis Alexi Panos

One of my besties, Alexi and I sit down to talk about how to create healthy friendships. We share our stories and advice for healing your past wounds regarding friendship and tips for how to create and maintain really nourishing friendships. We also discuss why friendship is SO important and the value it adds to…

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Are you a good leader? (and we all are leaders)

This week I have been attending the SXSW conference, which is annual conglomerate of film, interactive media, music festivals and conferences in Austin, Texas. Basically it is a ton of incredible speakers and programs to inspire, inform and entertain. I have learned so much and I’ll do a summary of it all in my coaches…

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EP 183: Finding Self-Worth During a Breakup With Melissa

This episode is about feeling worthy of love. Today’s caller, Melissa, is being triggered by her divorce and is seeking ways to have spiritual altitude during the process. We discover what she really needs right now is more of a human perspective. We also work through how she can express her warrior woman. Is your…

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Coaches Corner: Remembering who you are

Several years ago I wrote a powerful passage after a pretty deep mediation. I wrote it to myself but really it is to all of us. To this day, it is one of my most favorite things I have ever written and I read it to you on this episode. I suggest using it as…

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Remembering who you are

Several years ago I wrote the following passage after a pretty deep mediation.  I wrote it to myself but really it is to all of us. To this day, it is one of my most favorite things I have ever written.   I hope you enjoy it. When you were born you were totally aware…

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EP 182: Calling in Your Partner With Vanessa

This episode is about surrendering to the divine and raising your vibrations. Today’s caller, Vanessa, has done the personal development and feels she is ready to call in a life partner but still struggles with her worthiness and in trusting that her partner is coming. If you have the awareness that the universe supports you…

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EP 181: How Do You Know When a Relationship is Over? With Bretton

This episode is about knowing when a relationship has reached its expiration date. Today’s caller, Bretton, is looking for guidance about what his next steps are in a marriage that needs work. He has committed himself to do personal development work but his partner has not. Some relationships do have an end or an expiration…

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Coaches Corner: Girl Boss with Amanda Bucci

Get inspired as you listen to Amanda share how she has built an incredibly successful and impactful business…all by the age of 25! This episode will encourage you to break free of trying to look a certain way and step into full authentic expression! Amanda Bucci is a lifestyle entrepreneur who’s main goal is to…

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