Coaches Corner: Jill interviews Christine

In this episode of Coaches Corner, Christine is the one who is interviewed. Listen in as she answers all kinds of questions about her life, intuition, relationships, and lots more. Attend one of Christine’s upcoming trainings either in Sydney, Australia or San Diego, CA Sydney event: San Diego event: Subscribe in iTunes |…

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EP 132: Removing Obstacles and Building Your Business with Katie

This call is about identifying and overcoming the blocks to help you step fully into your business. Today’s caller, Katie, wants to know how to overcome the fear and perfectionism that is blocking her from building her new Life Coaching business. We discuss the root of the fear that is holding her back because it…

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Coaches Corner: Lessons on Self-Love

We all know self-love is incredibly important but what does it mean and how do you do it? Listen in for a Coaches Corner where Christine discusses a way to practice and understand self-love. Attend one of Christine’s upcoming trainings either in Sydney, Australia or San Diego, CA Sydney event: San Diego event:…

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EP 131: Heal Mommy Issues and Step Into Self-Love with Amy

This call is about setting boundaries with parents and establishing a sense of self. Today’s caller, Amy, calls in wanting to know how to incorporate self-love into her life but as you will hear in the call, she first needs to set boundaries and to individuate herself from her mother. Any parent-child relationship, especially the…

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Coaches Corner: The Mask of Masculinity with Lewis Howes

This is an incredibly candid, informative and vulnerable chat with my longtime friend and all around powerhouse, Lewis Howes. Listen in as we talk about the masks of masculinity, why men act a certain way, the healing power of expressing our feelings, relationship tips and so much more! Listen to EP 128 as a compliment…

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EP 130: Heal Daddy Issues and Create Authentic Relationships with Marie

This call is about speaking your truth and being authentic in dating. Today’s caller, Marie, calls in wanting to know how to break off a bad relationship but it turns out she needs to heal old wounds from her relationship with her father. If you are asking yourself, how do I stop dating the same…

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Coaches Corner: Dealing with Difficult or Toxic People

Christine discusses a recent experience she had with a very difficult person and offers tips for how you can deal with toxic situations in a healthy way. And attention men!! Christine’s dear friend Preston Smiles is inviting you into MAN CAVE. WHAT IS IT? A virtual Conscious Man Brotherhood where we EXPLORE , EXPAND and…

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EP 129: Answering Your Calling with Carrie

This call is about answering your soul’s calling and making a career transition. Today’s caller, Carrie, feels compelled to answer her soul’s calling but has limiting beliefs about herself that are holding her back. She doesn’t believe she can have the job she wants and make money at it. I don’t think our soul comes…

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EP 128: Manning Up and Breaking Free of Being a Rescuer with William

This call is about embracing your true self and moving away from the savior role. Today’s caller, William, thought he was looking for clarity about his career decision but it was more about learning to embrace his masculinity. Many men struggle with what masculinity means to them. I have compassion for the masculine. Recently, the…

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Earn a living doing what you love with Marie Forleo

Christine chats with the one and only Marie Forleo. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur and founder of  B-School an 8-week online learning program for big-hearted creatives who want to build a meaningful, profitable business online. Christine and Marie talk about the psychological importance of doing something you love, how to get over shitastic days and on…

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