The Life Coach Podcast with Christine Hassler
Are You Annoyed By A Co-Worker?
From 3/03/09 Huffington Post Column: Dear Christine, There is a woman I work with everyday who absolutely drives me crazy. She’s emotional, always has to get her opinion heard and be right, and monopolizes a lot of attention. She’s also not accountable and often takes days just to return a simple email. I have a…
When Your Personal Life Gets In The Way Of Work
From 2/24/09 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,“I can’t seem to concentrate at work. I’m going through a break-up, fighting with my roommate, and at odds with my parents. I feel totally overwhelmed, like one of those cartoon characters when steam starts coming out of its ears. I need some space, some time, but what about work?…
True Tales: When Older Workers Have Younger Bosses
This article was written by Rachel Zupek and includes a few excerpts from my talks with companies on working with Gen Y employees and how to bridge generational gaps. The workplace in this day and age has become a collaboration of different generations working side by side together. It can become a delicate issue however,…
Uncertain In Uncertain Times
From 2/17/09 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,I saw your recent post about being out of work but staying hopeful and was wondering how you felt about changing industries during this job market. For those who are out of work, and even those seeking better opportunity, is it better to remain in the field where you are…
Dealing With Valentine’s Day Depression
From 2/10/09 Huffington Post Column: “Valentine’s Day is around the corner and I’m already super depressed. I am single and have been valentine-less for four years now. I just want to crawl under the covers and pretend like this day doesn’t exist. I’m a total romantic at heart and I don’t know how to not…
Jobless, But Not Hopeless
From 2/03/09 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,I have gotten to the point of despair when it comes to finding a job. I know I am not alone in this terrible market, but I am starting to lose all motivation. I’ve been looking for a job for six months now and I feel like my degree is…
Will You Be Courageous In 2009?
From 1/27/09 Huffington Post Column:It’s a new year and our country has a new President. Saying that “change is coming” seems like quite the understatement because it’s already here. I don’t know if you feel it, but I’ve been very aware of how things are shifting around us. People are starting to wake up, step…
Dealing With A One-Sided Relationship
From 1/20/09 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,I have currently been “dating” a girl for about a month. Our relationship started off a bit odd where we literally spoke everyday for the first 2 weeks of knowing each other. However, recently a day or two has gone by without conversation. If I don’t initiate the conversation I…
Lost On The Twenty-Something Journey
From 1/13/09 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,“I’m currently in my early twenties and I gotta say, I’m so lost. I have a lot of stress from a job I don’t enjoy and battle constant insecurity issues (I related a lot to your article you wrote about going to your college reunion). So how did you do…
Making The Most Out Of Job Rejection
From 1/06/09 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,I’ve been in the job application process for several months now without success. Most of the time, I don’t hear back from potential employers unless I initiate a call. Usually if I get them on the phone, they say something like they have filled the position or are no longer…
Ring In The New Year In A New Way
From 12/30/08 Huffington Post Column:On New Years, we tend to make resolutions which are usually promises to do something “more, better, or different” as our society seems to revolve around this notion that there is always room for improvement. We vow to exercise more, get a better job, fall in love, or find a different…
Alone Under The Mistletoe
From 12/23/08 Huffington Post Column: Dear Christine, I love Christmas, but I hate being single at Christmas. This is such a romantic time of year — every time I turn on the TV I see a couple snuggled up in front of the fire exchanging gifts. I have no one to cuddle with other than…
How To Survive Christmas Alone
From 12/16/08 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,This year I’m not able to afford to fly back and spend the holidays with my family, so I am facing my first holiday alone. The way I’m dealing with it is that I’m not getting too excited or invested in the holiday season. I just can’t wait for it…
Are You Suffering From An Expectation Hangover?
From 12/09/08 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,I read about “Expectation Hangovers®” in your book and I feel like I am having one because of my job. I enjoy the work and environment less and less every day, which is disappointing because I thought I’d really love working in this field. I have totally lost my motivation.…
Gift Giving Protocol At The Office
From 12/02/08 Huffington Post Column:Dear Christine,This holiday season, I’m trying to cut back financially and I’m wondering if I’m expected to buy a gift for my boss? What about my coworkers? With the economy as bad as it is, is it sort of an “excuse” not to have to buy gifts? And if I don’t,…
Thanksgiving, Twenty-Something Style
From 11/25/08 Huffington Post Column:Today’s twentysomethings, aka Gen Y, have a reputation for being overly self-focused and entitled. Although there may be some truth to this stereotype, it’s neither 100% true nor 100% negative. There are upsides to focusing your awareness on yourself, ESPECIALLY if it has to do with gratitude and appreciation. Around this…
My 10 Year College Reunion
I started writing this note to you on a plane headed to my 10 year college reunion in Chicago by myself – which seems rather appropriate because that is the way I spent most of my time in college. As I headed back to Northwestern University with a single football ticket in my purse and…
See me on YouTube!
So I finally have my media and speaking reel up on YouTube. Check them out: – Media Reel– Speaking Reel Coming soon…my corporate speaking reel on “Bridging Generational Gaps in the Workplace.”
Teleseminar: Making your life YOURS
I recently participated in a Tele-Seminar with the FANTASTIC and insightful Guru Kaur – a teacher, coach, spiritual advisor, and work & life consultant. The topic of our talk was: “Making Your Life Yours” We talk about how to make the often overwhelming mountain of life’s obstacles seem completely manageable and easy to handle… Listen…
Bridging the Generation Gap Radio Interview
Listen to my interview about Gen Y on the “Bridging the GAP radio show.” We talk about what makes today’s twenty-somethings unique! Tune for tips on preventing and treating Expectation Hangovers.
Women For Hire
Check out the interview I did for WOMEN FOR HIRE TV where I discuss the three biggest roadblocks I see in a woman’s road to success.