EP 410: How to Be a Better Step Mom with Lorena

This coaching call is about when our childhood wounding is triggered by a child. Lorena feels she has a parenting blind spot when it comes to her relationship with one of her stepchildren. She would like guidance on how to be a better stepmom and how to respond rather than react when she is triggered.…

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EP 388: Why You Feel Lost with Michael

This episode is about reclaiming lost aspects of ourselves. Today’s caller, Michael, feels lost. He keeps checking things off his list and achieving his goals but lacks purpose and satisfaction in life. Christine offers guidance about how he can reclaim the childhood parts of himself that were buried long ago. It doesn’t matter whether we…

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EP 356: Never Feeling Good Enough with Dana

This episode is about never feeling good enough and always looking for what could go wrong. Today’s caller, Dana, didn’t have her needs met as a child and built a protective pattern to help her cope with her abandonment wound. We work through ways to calm her nervous system and feel safe when asking for…

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EP 331: Heal Your Sister Wound with Emily

This episode is about healing wounds, feminine or masculine. Today’s caller, Emily, wants to heal her sister wound. She has struggled with feeling judged or rejected by other women and fears being vulnerable with them. She would like guidance on how to make new female connections without being anxious. Anyone who may have wounds from…

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EP 330: How Repressing Anger Makes You Needy with Lee

This episode is about having a pattern of needing to be in a relationship and feeling like something is missing if you don’t have a person. Today’s caller, Lee, has a lot of awareness, but something is missing, and that is being able to access and release his anger. We work through how to release…

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