EP 164: Why Are We Here? with Mel

This call is about releasing pain and leaning into spirituality. The caller, Mel, is asking the existential questions about the purpose of life and why we are here. Many people ask themselves these same questions and it is important for us all to discover our own spiritual path and beliefs. If we believe that our…

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How to feel more connected spiritually and have faith

Oh my goodness – this is such an exciting email to write you…. First I have goosebumps all over because this week marks the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of my Over It & On With It podcast.  It has been such an incredible journey to co-create this show where so much healing and transformation happens!!  Thank…

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Having confidence is not as hard as you think

Last week in my women’s coaching circle, one of the women was sharing about a work situation and expressed that she “needs to work on being more confident.” She believed that she would be more respected in her company if she communicated like the other employees who she perceives as being more confident. Can you…

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What if it was all made up?

Yesterday was Halloween – a day where being scared is fun and actually intended. Ghosts and goblins may spook us but only temporarily because logically we know it’s just pretend! Fake fear can be fun, but the real fear we experience, the kind that haunts us throughout the year, is definitely not so fun. But…

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Are you creatively constipated?

My guess is that your self-expression is a little backed up. How am I so confident in this assumption? Because a lot of us suffer from creative constipation! Self-expression is not very encouraged in today’s society, which tends to reward more for achievement and appeasement. Today in celebration of a huge creative release for me…

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The Power of Vulnerability

I recently received the following question from a reader, “I know vulnerability is a good way to be, but I find it difficult.  The moment I notice that feel I lost control of a situation, rather than keep feeling vulnerable, I move away from it. For example, when I am with people I date, rather…

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