Winter Retreat
Date: TBD
Free Yourself From Expectation Hangovers
My passion is supporting people, especially women, gain a clearer sense of who they are, what they want and how to get it. Each time I facilitate this retreat I am overwhelmed by the feedback from women about how much they have healed and grown in just this one weekend. If you are ready for miracles, then you are ready for our Winter Retreat.
Are there aspects of your life that just aren’t working?
- Are you questioning your purpose and direction?
- Are you willing to release the past and begin creating a present and future you love?
- Are you ready to transform your life?
During This Retreat You Will:
- Learn to be less critical and judgmental of yourself
- Discover and release emotions that you have been avoiding and/or overwhelmed by
- Identify issues that are blocking you from achieving your innermost desires
- Connect and bond with other women in a confidential and safe setting
- Relax into guided meditations and breath work to promote less thinking and inspire more intuition
- Receive one-on-one coaching from Christine Hassler while being supported by a circle of women
- Experience empowerment, confidence and inner knowing thereby increasing your self-esteem
Ready For Freedom?
The investment includes all food and lodging. We also take care of your transportation from the airport if you are flying in. This retreat may also be tax-deductible since it is personal development which supports your career and well-being so a great end of the year write-off (check with your tax advisor to be certain).
Space is limited to preserve intimacy of this retreat and get one-on-one time with Christine.
Please email to apply and register.
All You Need To Know About Our Winter Retreat:
Christine invites you on retreat and explores a few questions to help you answer if this retreat is right for you…
Watch to learn more about this three day journey and how Christine teaches women how to find all the answers by dropping the masks, getting out of our heads and into our hearts, and tapping into our women’s intuition. Winter Retreat is a place where we get back into our femininity, explore our imagination and play with our creativity.
What do we do at Winter Retreat?
Learn how to release anxiety, meditate, get in touch with your own intuition, deal with challenging relationships and so much more…. watch to learn more!
Christine shares how Winter Retreat is less about doing and more about being. During this retreat we learn how to be more present, how to simply be and not being attached to our to-do list all the time. To support this, we do a lot of experiential exercises involving meditation and breath work. During the retreat you will also learn how to express your emotions in a healthy way (even the ones you like to repress!). You will be given tools and techniques about how to deal with your feelings rather than suppressing them or allowing them to overcome you while tapping into your greatest potential.
What can you expect from this retreat?
Watch below to find out!
We encourage you to watch this video and trust your intuition to see if Winter Retreat will match your expectations.
Straight talk with Christine
Christine answers the most frequently given objections…
In this video Christine addresses the most commonly given objections in terms of the investment, timing, meeting new people and sharing in the group.
Please email to apply and register
What Participants of Winter Retreat are Saying…
“Lauren. This last weekend I got engaged to a kind and caring man. Before your help I truly don’t believe I would have emotionally been capable of having a healthy relationship with someone else, or even myself. I’m proud and humbled that today I can be at peace in my own skin and don’t have the burden of my past weighing me down. I have you to thank and will forever be grateful for your help.”
Heidi, 31 This retreat provided a safe space to face emotions, fear, anxiety, control and resistance all weekend with an amazing tribe of women. It was one of the most challenging and the most beautiful experiences of my life. I am so grateful!
Melissa, 42. I won’t lie; I was very hesitant about participating and spending a weekend sharing feeling with women I didn’t know! But the love, community, support and wisdom I received from Christine, as well as the other women, was tremendous.I really feel as if I have changed a large part of myself for the better and feel like a stronger, more whole woman.
Lindsay, 32. When first coming this weekend I was nervous and anxious about the process but when greeted and meeting all the women, I was comforted. I was able to finally let down my guard and open up to myself and others. This workshop opened my eyes to the world and gave it new life by enabling me to stop judging and just be. Thank you for helping me.
Aurellia. This was a fabulous weekend and I got exactly what I need…
Yana. I highly highly highly recommend it for every woman no mater what walk of life you are in…
Julie. There was an opportunity to get a sense of my purpose and what my values are. I met people who really opened my eyes to the different kind of experiences that people can have on this planet. I was willing to take this weekend and focus on myself…
Kelly, 25. I was challenged, opened, loved, and nurtured in a way I have never been before. I have been given the tools I needed to become the awesome woman I want to be; and that I am beginning to see I am!