

Are you afraid of losing a good thing?

Why is it that once we get the thing we really really want we then worry about losing it? We spend all this time longing and wanting and desiring something, then soon after we actually get it we have anxiety about keeping it.

How can we enjoy and celebrate all the good in our lives without the fear of losing it?

That is exactly what I coach Nicole about on this week’s episode of the podcast (listen in here). She is in her first serious and healthy romantic relationship, and she is afraid she is going to sabotage it.

One of the things that I talk about on this episode is what Gay Hendricks calls an “Upper limits” issue. So if you find yourself sabotaging something, you may be bumping up your Upper Limits.

Here’s the basic idea: Each of has an internal gauge for how much success, wealth, happiness, love, and intimacy we’ll let ourselves experience. That’s our upper limit setting.  When we exceed our internal gauge setting and we are getting more that what we are used to or have gotten in the past (like a great relationship, more money, dream job) we unconsciously do things to sabotage ourselves – either through external behaviors or creating stress and anxiety in our lives so we can drop back to the old, familiar place where we feel in control. When we get more love, success, wealth than we ever have before, there is a part of us that freaks out.  Part of growth is stretching our capacity for goodness!!

If you want to hear me coach on how to break through your Upper Limits and expand your capacity for goodness, be sure to listen to last week’s Coaches Corner by clicking here.

And you can listen in to me coach Nicole live on learning how to be successful in her relationship AND actually enjoy it here.

Remember my sweet friends . . .

We all deserve love and happiness. It’s what we are here for!! (Tweet this!)

Oh and one more quick thing, I’d LOVE your feedback regarding the Over it and On With It  podcast.  Please go here to fill out this survey. Your input means the world to me!



p.s. Would you like a behind the scenes look into all of my lifehacks? Come join my Inner Circle which is a membership community where you get access to one-on-one coaching calls, my guided meditations and visualizations, and lifestyle practices.  More info here.

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