Events & Retreats
Signature Retreat
Women come to the Signature Retreat to finally heal their past and make the permanent shifts they’ve been trying to make for years, or even decades. It’s possible to reclaim your confidence, self-worth, and energy in a few days. I’ve experienced this myself, and so have hundreds of my clients.
Women's Signature
Healing Your Inner Child
3 Day Virtual Workshop with Stefanos and Christine
Unless you heal the wounds from your childhood, growing into your full potential as an adult is challenging to say the least. The hurt we experienced as a child stays with us as adults, and we keep acting out the same hurt unless we heal it and resolve it. This self-paced workshop will help you to heal and connect with your inner child.
Be the Queen
A self-paced program for women seeking to call in their man. Based on the live program hosted by Christine Hassler & Stefanos Sifandos. The Be the Queen program is your opportunity to truly heal deeper, get perspective, and design a self-honoring path for calling in a healthy, loving relationship. It’s an opportunity to gain clarity on what matters to you and magnetize a man worthy of your heart, body, and gifts, while also learning more about the in’s and out’s of how men think and feel!
Relationship Course
With Stefanos and Christine
A Self-Paced Virtual Workshop designed to create the intimacy, closeness, and connection you desire in your relationship. Whether you are single or currently in a relationship, whether your partner is willing to attend with you or not, this course will give you foundational pieces for a vibrant and satisfying relationship.
LIVE Group Coaching and Guided Meditation with Christine Hassler
Limited spots available.
Get Instant Clarity on Whats Holding you back from the life you want.
Take my Over It & On With It assessment and get crystal clear on how to overcome what ever it is in the way of living the life of you truly want... in just three simple steps: