

One Step at a Time

After speaking at Bridgewater College in Virginia last week, I had an hour drive back in the dark to my hotel in the thickest fog I have ever seen. Now, I’m not experienced at driving in fog (I live in LA – we drive in smog, not fog!). I could only see about three to five feet in front of me. Luckily, the Virginia highways have lights embedded in the pavement on the sides of the road to help guide drivers. As I was white-knuckling the steering wheel, I found myself struggling to see further ahead than I actually could. When I would do this, I would get disoriented because I could faintly see reflective lights ahead of me that were not for my lane. I realized that all I had to do to stay safely in my lane and keep moving forward was to focus on the lights that were directly in front of me. When I tried to see further than that, I would get lost and nervous. What an analogy for life this is! As we try to figure out our future and look too far ahead, we get stressed, confused and disoriented. But if we just look at and deal with what is in front of us right now in this present moment, the fog may clear. This is a reminder to take life one step at a time…


Listen or Look for a reminder to take it “One Step at a Time”

Learn: Think about something you want or a goal you are striving to attain. When you consider it, do you feel overwhelmed? If so, you are most likely trying to look too far in the future. Ask yourself, what is ONE STEP I can take today toward my goal or desire that is 100% self-attainable and manageable? Get in the practice of focusing on the immediate step in front of you and being proactive about taking it. Have faith that as you take each step one at a time, the next step will appear.

“Step by step one goes very far.”

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