Shop Christine Hassler’s Products and Books

Breathwork & Meditation

Guided breathwork with Stefanos and Christine

Eight prescriptive techniques to help you specifically address different feelings and areas of your life. This audiovisual experience will take you through a variety of breathing techniques all guided by Stef.

40 Day Journal

In this printed and spiral bound Over It & On With It 40 Day Journal, I’m giving you two of my favorite “life hacks” that have become sacred processes. Doing these have not only created positive changes in my life, they’ve made me more peaceful, productive, and prosperous overall!


Group Coaching Replays

Missed a group coaching call? Looking for calls on a certain topic? Check out the library of past call recordings.

Meditation RX

In this 13-track guided meditation download, I’ll help you release anxiety, overwhelm and confusion, as well as show you how to start making self-honoring choices and feel present, grounded and confident. Through simple breathing exercises, visualizations, and mental reconditioning, you’ll immediately feel shifts in your life.


Manifesting Meditations

The secret to manifesting involves more than just thinking about what we want or creating a vision board. We attract things through feelings. The more abundant, prosperous, and grateful we’re feeling, the more we’re going to attract. This meditation album is designed specifically to help you cultivate the feelings that allow you to manifest exactly what you desire!

Christine’s Books


Whether you are facing a loss, going through a life transition, or want to learn how to stop setting so many expectations, this book gives you a treatment plan for how to process disappointment on the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels.

Using powerful exercises, guided meditations, and inspiring true stories, Christine teaches you how use Expectation Hangovers as catalysts for profound transformation and doorways that open to possibility. You’ll understand why your Expectation Hangover happened and a clear course of action to pursue your goals while preventing future disappointment.

20 Something, 20 Everything

Is your life not working out like you expected? Do you sense that nothing is dreadfully wrong, but nothing feels quite right either? Done everything you were “supposed to do” but still do not feel fulfilled? This book is for you.

Many women in their twenties (and thirties) feel unsettled and struggle to reassess their positions on what Christine calls the “Twenties Triangle:” Who am I? What do I want? How do I get it? Throughout the book these questions transform into opportunities to identify and explore dreams and values.

The 20 Something Manifesto

If you’re in your twenties or early thirties, you’re likely feeling the combination of the excitement of this defining decade and the pressure to figure out your entire life. The thrill of newfound independence & opportunity can be quickly squelched by worry, disillusionment, or disappointment.

This manifesto explores the all-important questions and life choices of these turbulent yet exciting years. In this book, Millennials tell their stories, sharing their successes and failures, along with their frustrations and realizations. Christine provides the tools and skills you need to create change and direction in your life.

Get Instant Clarity on Whats Holding you back from the life you want.

Take my Over It & On With It assessment and get crystal clear on how to overcome what ever it is in the way of living the life of you truly want... in just three simple steps: