

Weekly Update: Do You Believe in Magic?

Last weekend I attended a wonderful event and as part of the entertainment for the evening, an incredible magician/illusionist performed who mesmerized the audience. I looked at the facial expressions around the room and noticed how joyful and youthful everyone appeared as we stepped out of our super serious adult lives and suspended our disbelief. Before he left the stage, he asked us to remember when we were kids and everything was magical in life. He talked about building forts out of furniture and blankets (I LOVED doing that!), fighting monsters in our closets, and creating fantasy worlds with our Barbie’s and GI Joe’s. As he spoke, the room was silenced by nostalgia as we recalled those magical moments created by our childlike imaginations.

But we do not have to outgrow magic just because we are all grown up! This week I encourage you to think of your magical moments from childhood. What fascinated you? What did you enjoy doing? What were your favorite games to play? Say a few Abracadabra’s, find your inner magic wand, sprinkle some fairy dust, click your heels together three times and transport yourself back to your magical moments by recreating them today. Build a fort from furniture, reread a book from your favorite fantasy novel series, make a chalk hopscotch court on the sidewalk, or do anything that cultivates that childlike wonder we all have inside. We all could use a little more magic in our lives – all it takes is imagination! So use yours for something other than creating worrisome stories about your future and open your mind to the possibility that life is MAGICAL.

All you have to do is believe. So do you believe in Magic?


“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make
anything happen.”

And If I tickled your curiosity about the magician/illusionist I saw, his name is Wayne Hoffman

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