

Just say YES!

Last week I reminded you to just say no and this week I am reminding you to just say YES! As challenging as it is to say no to the things we do not want, it is often equally as challenging to say yes to the things we do! Perhaps that is because many of the big YES’s in our lives involve some kind of risk: we worry about things changing, breaking out of our comfort zone, failure, uncertainty, or possibly upsetting someone else or loosing their approval; or moreover, upsetting the apple cart of societal expectations that tells us what we “should” and “should not” be doing.

Ask yourself: Are you a “Yes Man (or Woman)” to someone or something else more than you are to yourself? Are you afraid to go after your dreams? Are you making excuses for all the things you really want to do but aren’t doing? Are you honoring your yes’s to others but breaking your word with yourself? Are you so comfortable in familiarity and control that you can’t remember the last time you said yes to a spontaneous request or did something that you just felt like doing in the moment?

Consider what you want to say YES to in life. Maybe it’s more freedom, going after your dream, taking a leap of faith, or saying yes to an intriguing invitation or opportunity that may not seem practical but makes your heart smile. And the best way to say yes is to listen to your inner voice and honor the commitments you make with yourself. Life is too short and far too serious to not go for the things that feed your soul so just say yes!


The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.”
-Joseph Campbell

“Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?”
– Eric Allenbaugh

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