

What Are You Going to Give Up?

This week marks the beginning of Lent, a time when many of the Christian tradition spent time in focused prayer, penitence, and sacrifice. Many choose to “give up” something during this 40 day period until Easter. Giving up something like chocolate may be valuable in terms of a self-discipline practice (and the added bonus of your jeans fitting better until binging on dark chocolate Easter bunnies on April 4th), but is this really a spiritual practice? Despite any of our religious beliefs and affiliations, how can we all use the concept and intentions behind this time of Lent to accelerate our personal growth?

From the religious and historical viewpoint, Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. To me it presents a wonderful opportunity to go within and see what you can do without! Reflect upon your life: your habits, your choices, your health, your relationships, your work, your finances, your peace of mind, your willingness to give and receive, and so on.

What do you want to give up? What do you not really want to give up but you know letting go of it is important to your well-being and growth? How can giving up what no longer serves you bring you closer to your Higher Self, God, Spirit, Love, The Universe (or insert whatever word or concept works for you)?

During this incredibly spiritual time, there is wonderful energy present that will support you in letting go of that which you can do without to discover a deeper connection within. If you do not practice any religion, design your own spiritual practice and ceremony around letting go.

TODAY I encourage you to begin the process of giving up that which no longer serves you FOR GOOD, not just for 40 days! And if this seems challenging or scary, that is understandable as giving up that which we hold on to tightly requires courage. For inspiration, just imagine all the beautiful and amazing insights, opportunities and experiences that will come into your life when you stop clinging to the things that hold you back and truly LET GO.


There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life.”
— Author Unknown

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