

You’re Invited to Our Women’s Retreat!

Chrysalis: A Transformational Workshop for Women in their 20’s and 30’s!

  • Are there aspects of your life that just aren’t working?
  • Are you questioning your purpose and direction?
  • Are you willing to release the past and begin creating a present and future you love?
  • Are you ready to transform your life?

If you are . . .please join us for: CHRYSALIS

· Find and navigate with your own internal roadmap
· Discuss and answer the questions: Who am I, what do I want and how do I get it?
· Learn to be less critical and judgmental of yourself
· Deal with emotions that you’ve been avoiding and/or overwhelmed by
· Identify issues that are blocking you from achieving your innermost desires
· Connect and bond with other women in a confidential and safe setting
· Guided meditations and breathwork to promote less thinking and more relaxation
· One-on-one coaching from the facilitators and support from a circle of women.

The twenties and thirties are an exciting, yet challenging time for a woman as she feels tremendous pressure to figure out her entire life. In this intimate, profound and experiential workshop, you will tap into your personal power, intuition and increase your self-trust and confidence.

Are you ready to spread your wings?
Registration and Questions:
christine@christinehassler.com or call 310.210.1130
* Keep scrolling for more info and TESTIMONIALS*

Workshop Details:
Times: Friday August 20th at 3pm – Sunday, August 22nd at 4pm.
Cost: Early Registration price: $595. Registration after 7/20 is $695.
**Price includes food and lodging** and rides to/from LAX airport can be arranged.


“This retreat opened my eyes to the ways I have limited my joy in life and prevented myself from moving forward. I understand now what I need to do to live life to the fullest. I will never forget the break-through moments from this weekend.” -Mikelle, 32
“At Chrysalis I realized that other women my age are going thru similar worries, anxieties, and blockages in their life. I don’t feel alone or crazy anymore.” -Angela, 24

More Testimonials:

“Chrysalis provided a safe space to face emotions, fear, anxiety, control and resistance all weekend with an amazing tribe of women, Britta and Christine. It was one of the most challenging and the most beautiful experiences of my life. I am so grateful.” -Kelly, 28

“I won’t lie; I was very hesitant about participating and spending a weekend sharing feeling with women I didn’t know! But the love, community, support and wisdom I received from Christine, Britta as well as the other women, was tremendous. I really feel as if I have changed a large part of myself for the better and feel like a stronger, more whole woman.” -Erinn, 25

“When first coming this weekend I was nervous and anxious about the process but when greeted and meeting all the women, I was comforted. I was able to finally let down my guard and open up to myself and others. This workshop opened my eyes to the world and gave it new life by enabling me to stop judging and just be. Thank you for helping me spread my wings.” -Christine, 26

“I was challenged, opened, loved, and nurtured in a way I have never been before. I have been given the tools I needed to become the awesome woman I want to be; and that I am beginning to see I am!” -Vivian, 26

Get Instant Clarity on Whats Holding you back from the life you want.

Take my Over It & On With It assessment and get crystal clear on how to overcome what ever it is in the way of living the life of you truly want... in just three simple steps: