

What? A pop quiz on the first Monday of the New Year?!?

Because I know that you are eager students of life, I am kicking off the New Year with a pop quiz to prepare you for our super cool online course that begins in one week! Okay so maybe it is just the inner nerd in me who actually likes quizzes, but this will be easy, fun and even enlightening. Don’t over think the questions – promise I will tell you what this quiz is for once you finish. And since I don’t have a fancy system set up to electronically record your answers, you’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way and write them down on paper.

Ready? Begin:

What is more challenging for you?
1. Making a to-do list
2. Surrendering and going with the flow

When dreaming up your ideal mate and/or job, do you:
1. Make a vision board
2. Make a checklist

If you had a spare 15 minutes, would you rather:
1. Meditate
2. Catch up on all your emails

Someone invites you to Kirtan, do you:
1. Go in a heartbeat
2. Kirtan? WTF?

You have a big decision to make, do you:
1. Turn within, ask, and wait for guidance
2. Make a pro/con list

In a conversation with a friend, are you:
1. Listening more to the energy behind the words and simply holding a loving space
2. Thinking of what you’re going to say and what this person needs to do

When struggling with something in your life, are you more likely to:
1. Pray about it and let it go
2. Fix it and figure it out

Does your jewelry look like it’s from:
1. Tibet
2. Tiffany’s

Would you say your relationship with your finances is:
1. Problematic
2. Systematic

What would you like to learn about:
1. How to get things done
2. How to get out of your head

Great job! Now review your answers and total the number of “1’s” and “2’s” separately. The purpose of this quiz is to help you determine whether you are a more mystical or practical person.

If you scored higher in “1’s” that shows you are more of a mystical person meaning you are right-brain dominant, really enjoy creativity and spirituality, and may be somewhat challenged on the goal line of life.  If you scored higher in “2’s” you are more of a practical person meaning you are left-brain dominant, are good at getting stuff done and may be somewhat challenged, or even skeptical, of “airy-fairy” things.

All of us tend to be a little out of balance when it comes to our mystical/practical ratio because we have gotten comfortable in the areas of life we feel most familiar with.  That’s why the amazing licensed spiritual practitioner Julie Zipper and I are teaching our course “How to Merge the Mystical with the Practical.”  We know from personal experience how important it is to embody the super powers of both the Mystical and the Practical and we want to teach you how.

Join us for our special online course that starts ONE WEEK FROM TODAY.

If you are thinking you don’t have the time or you don’t have the money to enroll, you are out of excuses because all the calls are recorded so you can listen anytime AND the en*theos academy has a pricing structure that makes it possible for anyone to afford the course.

All the details can be found on the course page.

Register today and learn how to active your wonder twin soul powers to jumpstart 2012 and co-create your best year yet!

Happy New Year,


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