

I felt like sending you some Sunday love…

Last week I answered questions about love and relationships on a free call with Christine Arylo.  The call FLEW by and we got tons of additional questions so we answered two of the most popular ones we received with those who registered for the call and I’m sharing them in today’s love letter to you (just in case you missed it!).

We will go much deeper into all these topics in our 40-Day Choosing Me Before We
journey …

If you haven’t yet registered for the 40-day Choosing ME before WE practice, now is the time to do so – we start on Wednesday!

And this class is NOT just for single people – it’s for anyone and everyone interested in having more love and happier relationships.

Go here for more details and to register.

Now here are the questions that Christine Arylo and I answered:

Question one:
How can I make my current romantic relationship better and more loving and get my partner to show me more love?

We acknowledge you for being willing to ask how to bring more love into your relationship – that is far more empowering than complaining on what is missing.  The first thing to keep in mind is that often times the way our relationships are going are a direct reflection of the relationship we are having with ourselves.  For instance, if you are hard and judgmental of yourself, you may notice that you are that way toward your partner and/or feel that your partner is hard and judgmental with you.  If you have gotten rather lazy with your own Self-love and are not engaging in practices that fill you up with love, you will probably notice that you are not getting a lot of it either.  Remember, we teach people how to love us based on our words, actions and energy. During the first week of Choosing Me Before We we are going to teach you how to identify your love strategies so you can clearly see how you are going about getting love and why some of your strategies are just not working, so you can find ones that do! It’s been our experience with thousands of people that once you learn how to make your relationship with ourselves more loving, every other relationship changes.  ?

Additionally, it is critical to remember your partner is not a mind reader. He or she is not always going to know how to love you the way you want to be loved. In week 5 & 6, we teach you how to communicate your needs and desires to people you are in relationship with and how to still feel love even when you are not getting it.  Here is an exercise you can do right now to make your current relationship better.  Ask yourself, “What is it that I am most longing for from my partner?” Either write this answer in a journal or take some time to think about it. Next, ask yourself with 100% honesty if you are giving what you want from him or her to yourself AND to your partner!  If the answer is no, start giving it. If the answer is yes, then start asking for what you want.

Question 2:
How can I manifest my soulmate faster?

Oh vey – we gotta be honest here and tell you that the whole concept of “the one” is a complete myth that causes so much suffering!  There is no “other half” to you out there who once you meet him or her will make you feel whole and frankly, buying into that belief is causing you to live your life in waiting.

Here is the truth: we have MANY soulmates.  Every person you have had a relationship with is a soulmate because they have taught you very important lessons (remember relationships are containers for growth).  You will have many different types of romantic relationships in your lives and on Day 22 of Choosing Me Before We when we walk you through your personal Relationship Inventory, we will also teach you the different categories romantic relationships fall in – LOVE RINGS — so you can be clear about past relationships and build a healthy intention and strong foundation for your next relationship. And specifically take a look at this question….the question you are really asking, and that we can actually answer is,

“How can I feel what I want to feel right now that I am projecting onto some future person?”

The first step to attracting what you want is to get clear on what you think that future “soulmate” will bring into your life.  Your answer will reflect to you what it is you are lacking in terms of your relationship with yourself. For instance, if you think that Mr. or Ms. Right will make you feel validated and accepted, that is a clue that you are not validating and accepting yourself.   Stop waiting for it from someone else.

There is so much more to teach and share on both these topics! Why don’t we learn these things in school? It would have been way more useful than Algebra! That’s why Christine Arylo and I are so passionate about leading the 40-Day Choosing Me Before We Course where we have taken over 20 years of our combined experience, lessons, research, and training to give you the best of the best when it comes to l ove and relationships.

Register now to create the happiest and most loving relationships of your life – starting with the one with you.

The “other Christine” and I will be with you every step of the way sharing the truth about love and imparting the wisdom about relationships.  Choosing Me Before We is a safe and loving place for you to take down the walls of your heart, be free from suffering, and learn powerful strategies to create the life you want.

You deserve to be wealthy in love…there is no better investment than YOU.



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