

Are You WAY Too Serious?

We all take life and ourselves a little too seriously. We get upset about things that really don’t matter. We also get super serious about our spiritual practice. But sometimes the most spiritual thing to do is too LAUGH.

I had some incredible reminders of the value of NOT taking things so seriously last week. Monday started with major tech glitches that threw off my schedule. Then a pipe burst in my bathroom that flooded half the downstairs of my place. Then I slipped on the kitchen floor on my way to shut off the water and hurt my back. Then I started laughing hysterically as I laid splat and soaking wet on my kitchen floor realizing both the humor and lack of control. I’m incredibly grateful to have come a LONG way in knowing that sh*t happens but we always get to choose how we respond.

Later in the week I was at a yoga class and the teacher spilled a grande soy latte all over her new iPad. Instead of freaking out and getting upset, she calmly wiped it up, had a fantastic LAUGH over it and went back to teaching/serving us. That is some authentic namaste.

Having a sense of humor is spiritual. Laughter directly connects us to the present moment and to the JOY that is inherent in each of us. The next time the Uni-verse presents you with an opportunity to be stressed out or upset about something, find the humor in it.

Stuff happens that isn’t that big of a deal, but you are making it a huge deal. Stop worrying about the ticket you got. Let go of the thing someone said to you that is bugging you. Quit beating yourself up over something you did or didn’t. Find the humor in all of it. Laugh it off. Don’t stew in it.

You know a lot; are you implementing it? When stuff happens, your response to it is the BEST test on to what degree you are truly implementing new awareness. We all have comfort zones of going into a reaction of being a certain way like: sad, depressed, victimey, going into addict behavior, etc. What is the NEW and more UPLIFTING way you’d like to react?

You don’t need to be so serious all the time. You don’t need to hunt for the lesson in every single experience. Of course there are absolutely moments when being serious is appropriate but seriously, don’t we have enough of those?

Put down all the books that are telling you how to be more, better or different and LIGHTEN UP. Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly. Take yourself and your life with more lightheartedness and you will uplift both your consciousness and your mood.

With love,


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