

Who Are Your Playmates?

Are you working alone or inviting others to play with you?

“There is no such thing as a self-made man (or woman!). You will reach your goals only with the help of others.” -George Shinn

This week I had such a fabulous time shooting video content for my new website which will be launching in January. When we wrapped, I felt incredible joy and inspiration. I felt this way not only because I was aligned with my own passion and mission; it was also because of the passionate people who were there with me. My amazing partner Jill Esplin coached and encouraged me, especially during those moments when I got tired or self-critical. She made sure we got the content we needed and that I was really connected to what I was saying. My incredibly talented friend and photographer/videographer Alana Airitam created a comfortable environment and demonstrated such grace and confidence with the production elements. I could feel her patient, positive energy uplift me during my tongue twisted moments when I could not get the words I wanted to say from my brain to my mouth.

I trusted Jill and Alana in the roles they played which freed me up to do what I do best rather than having to manage and produce it alone. They are both masterful and passionate about what they do which allowed me the same opportunity. At the end of the day we were all on a high, prizing each other and celebrating what we had created TOGETHER. (Here’s a behind the scenes clip). I am so grateful that I let go of the disempowering limiting beliefs that I had to do things on my own and that I was responsible for everything when it came to creating things.

What limiting beliefs are you carrying around when it comes to creating things? Do you think you have to do everything alone? That the weight of all of it falls upon you? It’s not true! I encourage you to begin asking for help even if you think you “should” be able to do it on your own. Connect with like-minded people who compliment your gifts. None of us are equipped to do it all! Think of how boring the world would be if we were all born with the same talents and interests. There is a natural interdependence in the world and it is time to stop isolating (or competing) and align more with the energies of collaboration and community.

Life is a playground and it’s time for recess. Get out from behind your desk and go find your playmates.

Love from the sandbox,

“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

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