

Don’t Delay Your Gratification

Have you ever heard or taken the advice of delaying your gratification?  We are taught the importance of “impulse control” and avoiding the very human urge for instant gratification.  In an effort to invest in our future, we exercise will power to delay our gratification.

We stop ourselves from spending money on a new pair of shoes because we are paying off debt.  We don’t quit the job we are miserable in because we are saving up to pursue something we really want.  We fight the urge to eat a piece of chocolate because we want to lose those last five pounds. We resist the urge to date the unavailable guy or gal who is so incredibly alluring because we are holding out for a different quality of relationship.

We do this all in the name of delayed gratification – not giving ourselves something now because we want something more in the future. But resisting, fighting and stopping ourselves is challenging. Delaying the feeling of gratification feels like we are punishing ourselves by not giving ourselves what we want now. Suppressing feelings of satisfaction only illuminates the awareness of what we DON’T have and that does not support us in our appreciation and awareness of what we do have.

The human urge for gratification is a natural and really positive thing, so don’t delay your gratification!!

This doesn’t mean you go on a wild shopping spree, quit your job, hook up with anyone that feels or looks good, or have dessert for every meal.  What it does mean is being aware that you can experience gratification in any instant – there is no need for a delay!

Here’s how: as soon as you shift your awareness from the external thing that you are missing out on to your own appreciation of your ability to make a self-honoring choice you will feel instantly gratified.  Feelings of punishment or lack are NOT necessary – and are absolutely NOT helpful!!

Every choice you make is an investment in your future – but don’t wait for the future for the payoff!!!  In the present moment, internally move into gratitude for your ability to be a stand for your visions and dreams. Stop buying into any misunderstanding that you are depriving yourself or suffering in anyway. Celebrate how well you are caring for yourself and making choices that align with what you want rather than complaining over not having what you want.

Right now you have everything you need.

Right now all is well.

Right now you have the freedom to choose how you see everything in your life.

Right now nothing is missing.

Right now total fulfillment is available to you.

Right now you are loved.

In every instant, you can be gratified.  All you have to do is choose it.

With love,


“As we get past our superficial material wants and instant gratification we connect to a deeper part of ourselves, as well as to others, and the universe.” Judith Wright

“Instant gratification is not soon enough.” Meryl Streep

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