

Want to know what makes you SEXY?

What do you think makes you absolutely irresistible such that you are a magnet for all that you desire in your life? What makes you so sexy that you feel INCREDIBLE in your body and light up rooms when you walk into them?

It’s not an outfit. It’s not the shape of your body. It’s not your age or your bank account. It’s not your accomplishments. It’s not some new fragrance or aphrodisiac.

So what is this thing that makes you feel and be irresistibly sexy? 

It is confidence. Confidence is not something you have to do things to feel. It is very simply radical self-acceptance.

I understand that radical self-acceptance is not always easy. Most of us are really good at being hard on ourselves and judging all the ways we should be more, be better or be different. But all this is doing is robbing us of truly becoming the best versions of ourselves.

Let me ask you this: Is your low self-esteem keeping you from living your best life?

How would you like to let go of your fears, failures and mistakes and create unstoppable self-confidence instead?

You are an amazing human being and you are worthy and deserving of love, success, vitality and wealth!

Consider what you could accomplish if you felt secure in your abilities and trusted your gut instincts. Imagine how feeling CONFIDENT every day would change your life.

I’d like to help you harness your inner power and boost your self-esteem so there is nothing stopping you from creating your best, most successful and fulfilling life.

That’s why I’ve teamed up to be part of the Be Confident Online Conference.

I’d love for you to join us for this 7-day immersion event (completely free) starting November 5th. You’ll hear my interview on why confidence is the sexiest thing in the world and how to be more confident. You will also connect with the world’s top experts so you can learn strategies, practices and tools to help you create unstoppable self-confidence and learn to:

  • Create a loving and intimate relationship with yourself.
  • Defeat the peanut gallery in your mind spouting out negativity.
  • Stop anxiety from sabotaging your success.
  • Reveal your life’s purpose.
  • Make sound decisions.
  • Free yourself from the psychological blocks getting in your way.
  • Get clear about your talents and charge what you’re worth.
  • Overcome procrastination & fear.
  • And so much more!

I highly recommend you make the choice to invest in yourself, invest in living your greatest life …

… By taking the time to join us and tuning into the incredible advice these experts have to offer.

Yes, sign me up, I’m ready!

This event dives into the underlying causes of low self-confidence and how to break through your fears and barriers that have been keeping you from creating the life you want.

You’ll also get the latest information to expand your mental, physical and spiritual awareness!

It’s absolutely FREE . . . and it’s easy to watch and listen in from your computer or your phone. Replays will also be available if you can’t tune in right away.

Join the Be Confident Online Conference Now! You’ll gain access to over 24 bestselling authors, doctors and experts sharing their best tips, tools, inspiration and more absolutely free! Plus you’ll receive all the amazing bonuses!

The speakers that are participating in this event are at the top of their field when it comes to helping you connect with your gifts, inner power and talents so you can be the most confident and thriving version of yourself.

They’ve come together to share with you a ton of information and techniques that you can use at home and at work.

Yes, sign me up, I’m ready!

I highly recommend this event and look forward to spending time with you there!

And today go ahead and try some radical self-acceptance on. Love and accept yourself in this moment exactly how you are. Go to a mirror and say out loud, “I love and accept myself fully!!!”  Then feel how sexy you feel

With love,


P.S.  Share the love and forward this email to your friends, colleagues and family members – anyone who wants to feel more confident – they’re sure to appreciate the invitation. Tell them to click the link to register: Register here!

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