I got the boot!

Yup. I got the boot – both literally and metaphorically. I’ll explain . . . About three weeks ago while I was still in Australia I woke up and could barely walk on my right foot. Being the active (and sometimes stubborn) person that I am, I did not let it stop me from walking…

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EP137: Feeling Unhinged and Rebellious with Jen

This call is about is about getting over body image issues and having a healthy relationship with food. Today’s caller, Jen, has come a long way in healing body related issues but still feels unhinged when it comes to food. She realizes she is making unhealthy choices when it comes to food. Many times, people…

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Did your parents mess you up?

Our parents are the first people we love and look to for guidance and support. They are our first teachers, even if one or both was absent from our lives. They not only teach us how to walk and talk, they also teach us what to believe. Our beliefs about money, God, other people, what it takes to…

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EP 131: Heal Mommy Issues and Step Into Self-Love with Amy

This call is about setting boundaries with parents and establishing a sense of self. Today’s caller, Amy, calls in wanting to know how to incorporate self-love into her life but as you will hear in the call, she first needs to set boundaries and to individuate herself from her mother. Any parent-child relationship, especially the…

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EP 123: Being Strong is Overrated with Kelsey

This episode is about surrender. Kelsey feels blocked financially and is looking for advice on how to get unstuck when it comes to her dead-end job and finances. We don’t actually end up talking about either of those things. We delve into her underlying patterns caused by her not feeling safe. All of us experience…

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Stop being so strong!

When something disappointing happens, we often buy into the assumption that we are being tested and that passing the test depends on pushing through and persevering. Many of us do not give ourselves permission to be vulnerable, feel our feelings, or ask for help. We live in a world where being strong and pretending we are…

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Coaches Corner: Answering Listener Questions

In this Coaches Corner Christine answers three listeners questions. The first one has to do with unhealthy dating patterns. The second question, from Joe, is about healing old childhood wounds. And the final question is about how to handle a friendship that may have reached it’s “expiration date.” Listen in as Christine dishes some advice…

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Shame OFF You

This week we are discussing an incredibly important, yet often difficult, topic: shame. Shame is toxic because it leads to keeping things hidden and tainted by judgment. To heal shame, we also must bring what we judge as dark, dirty or wrong into the light. Bringing the dark into the light is exactly what happened…

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